- Somewhere with Internet
- 4h behind
A blazing fast™ multithreaded ROP Gadget finder. ropper / ropgadget alternative
A simple network manipulation application. Allows users to dynamically drop, drop a percentage of, or add latency to packets matching a user-defined or pre-compiled filter.
A revamped and updated version of my original OneRuleToRuleThemAll hashcat rule
library for importing functions from dlls in a hidden, reverse engineer unfriendly way
D7EAD / cpr
Forked from libcpr/cprC++ Requests: Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests.
D7EAD / Crow
Forked from CrowCpp/CrowA Fast and Easy to use microframework for the web.
A C++20 library for CoinGecko--a cryptocurrency data service.
A C++17 header-only library to easily retrieve hashes/HMACs from data, files, and files in nested directories through a simple interface.
A quick-cut method of setting up a basic, operational TOR node--be it an Exit, Relay, or Bridge node!
A tool that will hack literally anything on the planet. If you get your hands on this tool, be ready to get put behind bars.
D7EAD / ezOptionParser
Forked from seanmiddleditch/ezoptionparserhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/ezoptionparser/
Command-line tool for setting any custom Discord Rich Presence status.
Repository for pages.dreadsec.me where I place all my written research papers--and papers I have written out of boredom.
Over-the-wire traffic sniffer meant to be used as an open-source alternative to closed-source sniffers currently on the market. In addition, it is to be used to educate those who do not have experi…