import SoftwareDeveloper from 'Davi-Perdigao';
class Bio extends SoftwareDeveloper {
name = '✍️ Davi Perdigao';
age = '👱 23 years';
location = '🏠 Divinopolis, MG - Brazil';
occupation = '👨🏫 Developer | QA | Project Manager';
focus = '🎯 TypeScript, JavaScript, Angular, Python';
- Awarded 1st place overall at the "XXI Feria Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología" - CIENTEC (LIMA-PER)
- Awarded 1st place overall at the "Mostra Técnica de Projetos ARTECEB" - MTEP (IMPERATRIZ-BRA)
- Participation in ESI AMLAT (ARG), FEBRAT (UFMG - BRA), among other scientific exhibitions