A plugin that uses the new Central Portal publisher API to publish to Maven Central.
New accounts created after Feb. 1st 2024 are configured to use the new publishing by default and can use this plugin. Other accounts can continue publishing to OSSRH the usual way.
Nmcp does not create publications or apply the maven-publish
plugin. This must be done using other means. Nmcp uses existing publications, stages them locally and uploads a zip to the Central Portal publisher API.
For a higher level API use vanniktech/gradle-maven-publish-plugin.
This project was created as a short term solution and a good learning opportunity. I'm hoping more streamlined solutions will appear in the long run, either in gradle-maven-publish-plugin or as first party.
Configure nmcp
in your root project using the quick way:
// root/build.gradle[.kts]
plugins {
nmcp {
publishAllProjectsProbablyBreakingProjectIsolation {
username = TODO()
password = TODO()
// publish manually from the portal
publicationType = "USER_MANAGED"
// or if you want to publish automatically
publicationType = "AUTOMATIC"
Then call publishAllPublicationsToCentralPortal
to publish all your publications:
./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToCentralPortal
# yay everything is uploaded ๐
# go to https://central.sonatype.com/ to release if you used USER_MANAGED
uses the allprojects {}
block and might be incompatible with Project-isolation.
You can be 100% compatible by adding the plugin to each module you want to publish:
plugins {
nmcp {
publishAllPublications {}
And then list all modules in your root project:
plugins {
nmcp {
publishAggregation {
username = TODO()
password = TODO()
publicationType = "USER_MANAGED"
plugins {
// Create your publications
nmcp {
// nameOfYourPublication must point to an existing publication
publish(nameOfYourPublication) {
username = TODO("Create a token at https://central.sonatype.com/account")
password = TODO("Create a token at https://central.sonatype.com/account")
// publish manually from the portal
publicationType = "USER_MANAGED"
// or if you want to publish automatically
publicationType = "AUTOMATIC"