Discord-GitHook Public
Lightweight API that routes github and gitlab webhook requests to Discord
AxonCore Public
The best fully featured discord bot framework for javascript (eris, discordjs or detritusjs)!
Cross-Server-Bot Public
Cross-Server bot - Link discord channels between them across servers.
action-autocommit Public
Commit changes made to a repo within a CI (example: run a script, then commit and push)
create-axoncore-app Public
Create an AxonCore application easily.
eris Public
Forked from abalabahaha/erisA NodeJS Discord library
action-autoscope Public
Auto scope a npm package (used to publish to github package)
opencollective-frontend Public
Forked from opencollective/opencollective-frontendOpen Collective Frontend. A React app powered by Next.js.
discord-api-docs Public
Forked from discord/discord-api-docsOfficial Discord API Documentation
discord.js Public
Forked from discordjs/discord.jsA powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
maps Public
Forked from rnmapbox/mapsA Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps