TRACE is a digital forensic analysis tool that provides a user-friendly interface for investigating disk images.
Extract files from Apple devices on Windows, Linux and MacOS. Mostly a wrapper for pymobiledevice3. Creates iTunes-style backups and "advanced logical backups"
SpyGuard is a forked and enhanced version of TinyCheck. SpyGuard's main objective is to detect signs of compromise by monitoring network flows transmitted by a device.
Social Media OSINT collection containing - tools, techniques & tradecraft.
Vagrant box that wraps website-evidence-collector-batch
FIT is a Python3 application for forensic acquisition of contents like web pages, emails, social media, etc. directly from the internet.
The Swiss Army Knife of System Recovery
Refresh the environment. Reload environment variables every time you want environment changes to propagate, so you do not need to restart the console after setting a new variable. A better alternat…
NTFS-3G plugin for reading "system compressed" files is a fast and simple micro-framework for python web-applications.
Osintgram is a OSINT tool on Instagram. It offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname
Simple and reliable optimization with local, global, population-based and sequential techniques in numerical discrete search spaces.
Restore a truncated mp4/mov. Improved version of ponchio/untrunc
A command-line tool to turn web pages into readable PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdown docs.
🕵️ Tool to reverse-engineer Protocol Buffers with unknown definition
⚡ Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes ⚡
Passbolt Community Edition (CE) API. The JSON API for the open source password manager for teams!
Links to materials referenced in the SANS Tech Tuesday workshop June 30,2020
Lightweight justice for your single-board computer!
Bash script to extract data from a "chekcra1ned" iOS device
A simple graphical tool to crop the pages of PDF files, written in Python/Qt