π Meme Mate is a Tinder like app to search for people in same meme taste around our location while browsing the best memes all around simultaneously
This app allows people to share their favorite memes with other people with a rating system. If the memes will be good enough they may end up being featured in the top memes. Of course user can just browse without adding anything but then they lose on another feature which is matching - if two people like each others memes then they will get matched and app will grant them access to chat with each other.
Version History: CHANGELOG.md
Planned Features List: TODO.md
- Registration & Login
- Database
- Picture Sharing
- Picture PointScore and Reviews
- Top Memes with nice algorithm
- Matches based on mutual meme taste
- Profile browsing
- Matches chat
- Database to zip it all up
- Marcel, PaweΕ, Piotrek, Szymon & Karol