This project only works on Windows 64-bit ππ
Download the latest release on the here
The exe is portable, simply double click it to run
All dependencies are included in the source
Make sure you have python and g++ installed
python --help
for more information
--run Run the executable
--clean Clean the build directory
--build Build the source
--release Builds for release
Standard Build
python --build
Run after building
python --build --run
Build for release (adds rc files, release flags, etc)
python --build --release
You can find various tools under the tools directory. Most of them are for converting files into an appropriate header file format for embedding.
.\binary_to_compressed.exe font.ttf font > font.h
Make sure the final file is encoded as UTF-8 π
font_compressed_size, fontSize);
From the glfw documentation,
The pixels are 32-bit, little-endian, non-premultiplied RGBA, i.e. eight bits per channel with the red channel first. They are arranged canonically as packed sequential rows, starting from the top-left corner"
I figured since stbi_load
works seamlessly you can use the following binary to write image data to a .h file.
.\image_to_header.exe name.png output.h