I'm a seasoned Software Engineer with over 9 years of extensive experience across multiple domains. My expertise spans mobile development, open source contributions, and technical leadership. I'm passionate about crafting high-quality, efficient software solutions and sharing knowledge within the tech community.
Versatile Software Engineering:
- Proficient in multiple programming languages and frameworks, including Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java, Dart, Flutter, JavaScript, and more.
- Expert in native and cross-platform mobile development, creating robust applications for both iOS and Android.
- Skilled in mobile architecture (SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Flutter), state management (Combine, Coroutines, Rx, Bloc, Riverpod), and modular & scalable app design (Clean Architecture, MVVM, MVI).
Open Source Champion:
- Professional contributor to numerous open source projects, with multiple repositories garnering significant star counts.
- Notable projects include Solara, SwiftUINavigator, FormValidator, and Flatter, each addressing crucial development needs.
- Built Ruby-based framework Solara for cross-platform white-label systems, reducing boilerplate code by 80%.
Technical Leadership & Management:
- Proven track record in team leadership and project management, scaling engineering teams and maintaining high feature delivery rates.
- Adept at working with diverse, multicultural teams, fostering inclusive and productive environments.
- Experienced in CI/CD automation (GitHub Actions, Fastlane, Jenkins) and performance optimization (40% data reduction, 35% API latency improvement).
Quality-Driven Development:
- Committed to producing reusable, maintainable code.
- Advocate for best practices in software development, focusing on efficiency and optimal solutions.
- Reduced UI-related bugs by 60% via migration to SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose.
Mentorship & Knowledge Sharing:
- Dedicated mentor, actively contributing to the growth of junior developers.
- Engaged in content creation and public speaking to share insights and expertise.
- Speaker at Egypt DevFest 2023 Keynote and GDG Cairo 2021.
Cross-Cultural Collaboration:
- Experienced in working with teams across various cultures, enhancing global perspective in software development.
- Mobile Architecture (SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Flutter)
- White-Label Systems (60+ app variants, 90% code reuse)
- Performance Optimization (40% data reduction, 35% API latency improvement)
- CI/CD Automation (GitHub Actions, Fastlane, Jenkins)
- Technical Leadership (12+ engineers, Agile/Scrum)
- State Management (Combine, Coroutines, Rx, Bloc, Riverpod)
- Modular & Scalable App Design (Clean Architecture, MVVM, MVI)
- API Integration & Optimization (REST, GraphQL, WebSocket)
- Local Data Persistence (CoreData, Room, Hive, Sqflite)
- Testing & QA (Unit Testing, UI Testing, Integration Testing)
- Debugging & Monitoring (Firebase Crashlytics, Sentry, Mixpanel)
- Dependency Injection (Swinject, Hilt, GetIt)
- UI/UX Implementation (Figma, Zeplin, Adaptive UI Design)
- Open Source Development & Maintenance
- Agile Methodologies (Scrum, Kanban)
- Version Control (Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket)
- Security Best Practices (Data Encryption, OAuth, SSL Pinning)
- Solara: A Ruby library simplifying white label app management across iOS, Android, Flutter, and Web.
- SwiftUINavigator: An advanced navigation solution for SwiftUI applications.
- FormValidator: A declarative, clean, and customizable form validation library for Android.
- Flatter: An innovative solution for managing nested widgets in Flutter, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
DigyBite — Mobile Software Engineer | Oct 2022 – Present
- Led technical strategy for mobile apps serving 500k+ MAU across 15 countries.
- Scaled engineering team from 4 to 12 developers, maintaining 98% feature delivery rate.
- Reduced deployment time from 3 days to 2 hours by implementing automated white-label systems and CI/CD pipelines.
- Drove 25% improvement in app store ratings (4.2 → 4.9) through quality-focused development practices.
Consistently deliver high-quality software solutions across various domains.
Strong advocate for code reusability and efficient development practices.
Skilled in achieving project targets through innovative and effective approaches.
Active contributor to the tech community through mentorship, content creation, and knowledge sharing.
- 🌐 Website: malekkamel.github.io
- 💼 LinkedIn: Malek Kamel
- 🐦 Twitter: @MalekKamell
- 📫 Email: sha.kamel.eng@gmail.com
I'm always eager to collaborate on innovative projects and share insights with fellow developers. Let's connect and create something impactful together!
- GitHub Arctic Code Vault Contributor: Contributed code to several repositories in the 2020 GitHub Archive Program.
- Pull Shark x2: Opened pull requests that have been merged.
- Quickdraw: Gitty up!
- Starstruck: Created a repository that has many stars.
Repo | Description |
Flatter | Flatter is an extra-light and powerful solution for the hell of nested widgets in Flutter. |
Repo | Description |
SwiftUINavigator | SwiftUINavigator is a lightweight, flexible, and super easy library which makes SwiftUI navigation a trivial task. |
SwiftUIFormValidator | A declarative SwiftUI form validation. Clean, simple, and customizable. |
ModelMapper-Swift | An abstraction for mapping models, write a mapper once, use everywhere. |
RxRequester-Swift | A wrapper for RxSwift abstracts away all those nasty details you don't really care about in every Rx request. |
RxLocation-iOS | An RX wrapper for iOS location. It's simple and powerful. |
Repo | Description |
RxLocation | RxJava wrapper for Android location. |
ActionSheet | ActionSheet is an Android clone of iOS action sheet component, completely typical to iOS7 style. |
FormValidator | A declarative Form Validation for Android, simple, clean, and customizable. |
CoroutineRequester | A simple wrapper for Kotlin Coroutines that helps you make clean Coroutine requests. |
AppHead | Head View like Facebook Messenger for Android. |
RxRequester | A wrapper for RxJava abstracts away all those nasty details you don't really care about in most requests. |
Bulletin | An abstraction for alert messages in android. |
Navigator | A simple wrapper for Android navigation that helps you get rid of a lot of boilerplate code. |
ModelMapper | An abstraction for mapping models, write a mapper once, use everywhere. |
ViewBadger | Add BADGE to any Android view at runtime. |
PhotoViewer | Simple and customizable image viewer with "swipe to dismiss" and "pinch to zoom". |
RxDateTimePicker | RxJava wrapper for date and time pickers. |
RxGps | RxJava wrapper for Android LocationSettingsRequest used to enable GPS. |
RxGallery | RxJava wrapper for Android Gallery & Camera. |
android-multitoggle | A simple Android multi toggle button. |
phone-field | PhoneFiled is an easy way to select country phone and validate the entered number. |
Repo | Description |
ProblemSolving | This repository contains the solutions of coding challenges I solve or pick from the top solutions. |
AlgorithmsCode | This repository contains the code of most popular algorithms in Java. |
DonDonn | DonDonn app represents a real world app example. it provides a fairly complex set of functionalities. |
TheMovies | TheMovies app represents a real world app example: it provides a fairly complex set of functionalities. |
TheMovies | MVVM sample for iOS. |
Movies | MVVM sample for Android. |
Vivy | MVVM sample for Android. |
Posts | iOS app sample. |
Restaurants | MVVM sample for Android. |
CurrencyConverter | MVVM sample for Android. |
HandyX | iOS app sample. |
ARCoreSample | Exploring AR in Android with ARCore. |
Tracker | Tracker represents a real world app example: it's a suitable showcase for all the advantages that architecture components. |
Glassify | An Android example for using ARCore & Sceneform. The app lets the user try eye glasses using augmented faces. |
MemoryTunes iOS ReduxExample | Raywinderlich example for using ReSwift. |
NavigationControllerAppearance | This is an excellent design for appearance of NavigationBar and ToolBar by Yalantis. |
RxSwift & MVVM | An example of RxSwift and MVVM architecture. |
Zad iOS | Zad Aldoaa is an iOS app contains more than 500 lecture in Islamic region. |
Zad Android | Zad Aldoaa is an Android app contains more than 500 lecture in Islamic region. |
RxSwift Search iOS | An example of RxSwift search and UITableView. |