Pinned Loading
- ontouml-json2graph Public
Decode a ontouml-schema compliant JSON in an ontouml-metamodel-vocabulary compliant knowledge graph
- ontouml-vocabulary-lib Public
A Python library to allow users to easily manipulate concepts from the OntoUML Vocabulary when using RDFLib.
- ontouml-models Public
The OntoUML/UFO Catalog is a collaborative, structured and open-source catalog of OntoUML and UFO ontology models.
- ontouml-models-lib Public
A Python library for accessing and managing OntoUML models from the OntoUML/UFO Catalog, designed to simplify software development by providing easy-to-use functions.
- ontouml-vp-plugin Public
A plugin for Visual Paradigm to add support for OntoUML modeling and model intelligence services
- ontouml-py Public archive
A Python library designed to simplify the development of software applications using the OntoUML Vocabulary.