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Hi, I'm Pablo Felps!
- 🚀 I'm a software developer at LeCode
- 💻 I'm an engineering computer student at CEFET-MG
- ⚙️ I'm a marketing analyst at Commit Jr.
- Below you can access my Pokedex deployed on Vercel. It was made utilizing JavaScript as language, Tailwind as CSS framework, NextJS as React framework and and finally the PokeAPI.

Description: I made this based on the video Build a Pokedex with NextJS and Tailwind CSS. It covers from #1 Bulbasaur to #898 Calyrex; all pokemon generations. The application shows pokemon weight, height, types and abilities. Soon I will add "strong" and "weak" against data.
- This is my Ignite games application. It is a place to search games and stay tuned about game details, and also upcoming titles, popular games and new games. Made utilizing RAWG.io.

Description: I made this based on the Dev Ed youtuber Redux course. Started to study Redux for my web development knowledge and this project was very cool to increase my skills in Redux. Made with React & Redux, utilizing Thunk and styled components.
- Also, you can access the link to my first back-end project deployed on Heroku. It was made utilizing JavaScript as language, and Sequelize as ORM with Postgres as database.

Description: I was part of the ioasys CAMP 2021; my team and I developed a platform to measure the “diversity” in a company's workplace, with the goal of making the environment better for all cultures, sexualities, ethnicities and people with physical disabilities.
- This is the Podcastr Application, the NLW - Next Level Week 5 by Rocketseat project. It was made with TypeScript, NextJS and an independent JSON server application (repository here).

Description: I made this based on the Rocketseat's NLW 6 to start my studying with NextJS, which was my first contact with it. The application consists in a player that uses a JSON server application to get the podcasts data like the link to the podcast itself, images, duration and etc.
- And here you can stay tuned in the trending Brazil news with my News Application deployed on Vercel. It was made utilizing JavaScript as language, and NextJS as React framework.

Description: I made this based on the PortEXE youtube channel video Coding A News App With NextJS to start my studying with NextJS. The news are located in Brazil, but it can easily be changed within code. I haven't spend too much time styling it yet, but I plan to do it soon.
- Here you can check my Weather App. It uses the Open Weather API: https://openweathermap.org to get the current weather situation from each city in the world.

Description: I made this based on a youtube channel video React Weather App Using Redux to continue my Redux studiyng. It was made with React, Redux, Redux Toolkit to ease the store configuration and Tailwind.
- This is the LetMeAsk Application, the NLW - Next Level Week 5 by Rocketseat project. It was made with TypeScript, React, Google Firebase with firebase auth and realtime database.

Description: This application is like a Q&A platform, the administrator can create rooms and then share the link to anyone. The user can make questions by submit and the room creator can highlight/mark as answered and delete questions.