A React Native native app utilising Expo, React Navigation and fetching data from multiple API's (Deezer and Lyrics.OVH). UI built with Adobe XD.
Built as a personal training project for React Native. Designed in Adobe XD. Design and development by Stephen Kempin. This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App.
- App Preview
- Expo Project Page
- Adobe XD files
- App Features
- Getting Started
- What's Included
- API's Used
- Contributing
- Author
- Google Play Store
- Donate
- License

This project has been built using Expo. Please install npm install expo-cli --global
to run this project locally.
Scan the below QR code to open the project on Android:
Design files for the UI can be found in _design_assets/adobeXD
in the project root. UI design implemented with flexbox.
- Search the Deezer API by song title (class component)DetailsScreen.js
- Selected song details (including Lyrics.ovh API call) (class component)AboutScreen.js
- About details (functional component)
- Development credentials template (functional component)SocialButton.js
- Button template for sharing links/ the app (functional component)Suggestions.js
- Song suggestions (functional component)
- App navigation routing (including drawer nav render method)colours.js
- Colour constants
- Expo manifest constants and functions
- Native device share method
- Install the latest Node
- Install Expo -
npm install expo-cli --global
into this project directorynpm install
oryarn install
- Run
expo start
Name | Description |
Expo (incl. React Native) | Expo is a free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android projects using JavaScript and React. |
React Navigation | Routing and navigation for your React Native apps. |
Format Duration | Convert a number in milliseconds to a standard duration string. |
RN-Placeholder | Display some placeholder stuff before rendering your text or media content in React Native. |
Due to time constraints there are several features that I haven’t been able to develop yet. If you would like to develop your React Native skills and contribute any of the features below this would be hugely beneficial! 🎉
- Debouncing or throttling on search functionality.
- PropTypes on components.
- Adding clear search button functionality on Android. This functionality already exists on iOS.
- Animations would be a nice touch! Fading in the details screen background image would be priority.
- Any general performance improvements.
Other contributions and suggestions are always very welcome! Contact me if you wish to discuss anything.
View my commercial apps on the SK-UK Google Play Store
If you like this project and wish to say to say thanks - I'm always open to a coffee! ☕
You are welcome to use this however you wish within the MIT license, but please retain my credentials and links back to this repo.