I am a developer and enthusiast. I work mainly on Vanilla JS, React JS, Node JS, Typescript and Firebase. Check out my story at https://www.soorajsivadasannair.dev.
- 💻 Front-End Developer at Aquent.
- 💬 Developing a package called Tooltip Sequence.
- ✐ Creating animations on the web.
- 🎸 Guitarist 🤘🏻.
- How to create a simple physics engine - Part 1 (Trending Article in 2019)
- How to create a simple physics engine - Part 2
- Finite state machines in React js using xstate
- Getting started with Svelte JS
- Javascript to Typescript
- Web Animation with GSAP
- Using Webpack with React Typescript
- Build a “Pluggable” Widget for your Webapp
- Asynchronous Data Fetching using React Query - Part 1
- Web-App using HTML, JS & Firebase - Part 1
- React JS - Bootstrap Starter kit
- React TS - Webpack - Starter kit
- New version for Tooltip-Sequence 1.0.3 🔥
- iPhone 7 animated replica using HTML, CSS and Javascript
- Make it Rain 🌧 in HTML Canvas (My most viewed Article)
- Simple way to use the github REST api
- Web-App using HTML, JS & Firebase - Part 2
- Simple Javascript Modules - Local Storage Module