I'm Sudhan, a developer from India. I like to code web applications and games. I have worked on many projects in my past, and some of my open-source projects are pinned below—make sure to check them out.
I work with various technologies, including TypeScript, JavaScript, API development, both backend and frontend. I use Prisma and Express for backend development and Next.js with TypeScript for full-stack applications.
Additionally, I have experience with Discord bot development, Blockchain, Web3, and DApps, always trying to stay updated with new technologies.
Thanks for visiting my GitHub profile. Have a great day ahead!~
const Sudhan = {
FavouriteLanguage: "JavaScript/TypeScript",
OpenedIssues: 82,
OpenedPullRequests: 93,
TotalCommits: 19033,
Stars: 2046,
Repositories: {
Created: 260,
Contributed: 22