I'm Tim, former DevOps Engineer, now Senior IT Automation Consultant and Project Committee member for Vox Pupuli. I'm currently living in Cologne, Germany. I'm a regular speaker at conferences. Hit me up at tim@bastelfreak.de in case you need a Puppet consultant or want me as a speaker at your conference.
- Since the founding in 2016, I'm elected to serve in the Vox Pupuli Project Management Committee (yearly election)
- I'm active in the Puppet Community since 2014
- The puppet userbase voted for me as Puppet MVP runners up 2017, Puppet MVP 2018 and 2019
- Puppet Inc. granted me a slot in their Extraordinary Puppeteers programm
Statement from Puppet Inc.:
- bastelfreak/cfgmgmtcamp2025 - My two talks for CfgMgmtCamp 2025
- bastelfreak/puppetrun -
- bastelfreak/petuning -
- bastelfreak/froscon2024 -
- bastelfreak/peadm -
- bastelfreak/testcontrolrepo - a nonworking controlrepo for testing
- bastelfreak/clt2024 - myslides for Chemnitzer Linux Tage 2024
- bastelfreak/cfgmgmtcamp2024 - My two talks for CfgMgmtCamp 2024
- bastelfreak/Spacegray.vim - copy of https://github.com/ajh17/Spacegray.vim.git
- bastelfreak/scale20x - My talk about Vox Pupuli at Scale20x
- betadots/hdm (v3.2.0, 1 day ago) - The Hiera Data Manager (HDM) is a Web UI to visualize Hiera data and make it searchable!
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-docker (v10.2.0, 2 weeks ago) - The Puppet Docker repository
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-peadm (v3.27.0, 3 weeks ago) - A Puppet module defining Bolt plans used to automate Puppet Enterprise deployments
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache (v12.3.0, 3 weeks ago) - Puppet module for the Apache httpd server, maintained by Puppet, Inc.
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-lvm (v3.0.1, 1 month ago) - Puppet Module to manage LVM
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-pe_status_check (v4.6.0, 1 month ago) - Self Service Module for Puppet Enterprise
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-puppet_agent (v4.22.0, 2 months ago) - Module for managing Puppet-Agent
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-postgresql (v10.5.0, 2 months ago) - Puppet module for managing PostgreSQL
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-accounts (v8.2.2, 3 months ago) - Account management module
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib (v9.7.0, 3 months ago) - Puppet Labs Standard Library module
- Debug systemd and define a loglevel (3 years ago)
- systemd unit hardening followup followup (3 years ago)
- Puppet PQL Queries (3 years ago)
- PostgreSQL: Do a VACUUM FULL without exclusive locks! (3 years ago)
- systemd unit hardening followup (3 years ago)
- Migrate CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux (3 years ago)
- DNS Setup for own domains (3 years ago)
- Setup Gentoo on a Hetzner server (3 years ago)
- systemd-networkd + wireguard configuration (3 years ago)
- systemd-networkd configuration (3 years ago)
- puppetlabs/puppet-modulebuilder - The canonical gem to build puppet modules (1 week ago)
- bastelfreak/testcontrolrepo - a nonworking controlrepo for testing (2 weeks ago)
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache - Puppet module for the Apache httpd server, maintained by Puppet, Inc. (2 weeks ago)
- theforeman/puppet-puppet - Puppet module for Puppet client and server (2 weeks ago)
- OpenVoxProject/puppet - clone of puppetlabs/puppet (3 weeks ago)
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib - Puppet Labs Standard Library module (3 weeks ago)
- puppetlabs/puppetlabs_spec_helper - A set of shared spec helpers specific to Puppetlabs projects (1 month ago)
- bastelfreak/cfgmgmtcamp2025 - My two talks for CfgMgmtCamp 2025 (1 month ago)
- OpenVoxProject/container-openvoxserver - Container builds for the OpenVox server (1 month ago)
- puppetlabs/puppet-strings - The next generation Puppet documentation extraction and presentation tool. (2 months ago)
I'm online as bastelfreak on most platforms:
If you're interested in my CV: checkout the pdf of the latext repo.
Want your own awesome profile page? Check out the original author markscribe or the version from Raphaël!