gomp is a lightweight go-based cli tool that simplifies the management of Ubuntu instances in Multipass.
Launch instances with configurable memory, storage, and CPU allocation.
Support cloud-init provisioning per instance or using a default file.
Start, stop, and delete instances easily.
Open an interactive shell inside an instance.
Execute commands inside instances without logging in.
Retrieve instance information (IP, memory, disk usage, etc.).
Recover deleted instances before purging.
Mount/unmount host folders into instances.
Set aliases for frequently used commands.
[1] Install via Go
go install github.com/bxtal-lsn/gomp@latest
This installs the binary to $GOPATH/bin/gomp.
[2] Download Prebuilt Binaries
Visit the GitHub Releases page and download the appropriate binary for your OS, and move it to PATH.
1 launch a New Instance
gomp launch
Follow the prompts to specify names, memory, storage, CPUs, and cloud-init configuration.
2️⃣ Start an Instance
gomp start my-instance
3️⃣ Stop an Instance
gomp stop my-instance
4️⃣ Delete an Instance
gomp delete my-instance
To delete all instances:
gomp delete --all
5️⃣ Open a Shell in an Instance
gomp shell my-instance
6️⃣ Execute Commands in an Instance
gomp exec my-instance ls -l
7️⃣ Get Instance Info
gomp info my-instance
8️⃣ Recover a Deleted Instance
gomp recover my-instance
9️⃣ Mount a Folder into an Instance
gomp mount /host/path my-instance:/mnt/path
🔟 Unmount a Folder
gomp unmount my-instance:/mnt/path
[11] Create an Alias for a Command
gomp alias update="sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y"
#cloud-config package_update: true packages:
- htop
- curl
- tree
#cloud-config package_update: true package_upgrade: true packages:
- docker.io runcmd:
- systemctl enable --now docker
- usermod -aG docker ubuntu