issues Search Results · repo:cloudflare/html-rewriter-wasm language:TypeScript
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incloudflare/html-rewriter-wasm (press backspace or delete to remove)Right now it seems like if we want to inject some content from a sub request we would use an async handler like so:
async element(e) {
const response = await fetch(url); // make sub request
const ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 3
- #12
This currently uses f32bd14 commit of lol-html, which was 3 year ago. There have been over 50 commits after that,
including reaching v1.0.0. Please consider updating it.
- Opened on Jun 19, 2024
- #9
your code tries to load things such as path fs and uses require()
that ain t so browser friendly... could you create a bundle that don t depend on NodeJS stuff...? i would pretty much
more want it to ...
- Opened on Jun 16, 2023
- #7
Hi, first of all, thank you for this fantastic library.
I am using it to transform HTML attributes. During this transformation, it s possible for errors to occur. I d like to
display the source location ...
- 4
- Opened on May 20, 2023
- #5
Is it possible to get an ESM build of this project bundled up and shipped alongside the CJS version?
- 1
- Opened on May 18, 2022
- #3
I am using HtmlRewriter in NodeJs to output to a stream, the problem is that i will never know when the rewriter has
You could add an addition onFinish event to notify about finish
- 1
- Opened on May 13, 2022
- #2
FWIW I tried throwing this (via vanilla miniflare) at an large and complex project that uses Cloudflare Workers and many
(if not all) of my usages induced the The object has been freed and can t be used ...
- 7
- Opened on Jul 23, 2021
- #1

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