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Self-taught | Humble Book Bundles, ChatGPT, Copilot
Tech Podcasts
Hobby-coding for only about 6 months at the start of 2024, my GitHub is a "Learning in Public" endeavour, hosting my practice projects. On the plus side, my code should be accessible for other learners and fairly simple to scrutinise!
If anyone happens to find my small scripts useful then
Hopefully over time my work will attest to an increase in sophistication!
whisper-wrapper | A simple but feature-rich implementation of OpenAI's Whisper transcription model. My first published coding project!
rename-packt-vids | Simple, niche script that renames Packt course video files (format video1_1
) according to their individual Series/Module and Episode titles. Feeds in nicely to whisper-wrapper.
humble-bundle-book-info | Script does a little web-scraping via Google Books API & Bing Search API to automate researching individual titles in Humble Book Bundles, just using the HB webpage url. All the gathered information is output to nicely formatted text files. See /HumbleBundleBooks for sample outputs.
security-now-files | Automated fetch of transcripts & shownotes for the fantastic Security Now podcast. Includes options for downloading just the latest episode, a specific range of episodes or the whole back-catalogue (in server-respectful fashion, of course!) and the ability to select target file formats (pdf, txt or htm).
More Coming Soon!

If you do happen to have reeeeeally enjoyed my work then what I would most appreciate is a pat on the back, but, Contributions to the Caffine Fund ☕ are always welcome too.
Having benefited greatly from the generous sharing by others of their skills and output, I'm really passionate about the Open Source philosophy and hope to contribute meaningfully to the community.
This profile is deliberately explicit about my experience and stage in the learning journey: if anyone has a project I could work on, wants to collab or is interested in mentoring, please do reach out!
Feedback and constructive criticism on my work is always welcome.
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Last updated: 2024-02-13