A learning project for getting newcomers started with a WASM JIT compiler
Easy to use device for connecting "old" measuring units (water, power, gas, ...) to the digital world
io-homecontrol documentation & implementation
🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
Nginx Block Bad Bots, Spam Referrer Blocker, Vulnerability Scanners, User-Agents, Malware, Adware, Ransomware, Malicious Sites, with anti-DDOS, Wordpress Theme Detector Blocking and Fail2Ban Jail f…
The fuzzer afl++ is afl with community patches, qemu 5.1 upgrade, collision-free coverage, enhanced laf-intel & redqueen, AFLfast++ power schedules, MOpt mutators, unicorn_mode, and a lot more!
Monitor and control heating systems with a Siemens® controller used by Elco®, Brötje®, Atlantic® and other heating systems with a Boiler-System-Bus (BSB), Local Process Bus (LPB) or Punkt-zu-Punkt …
An implementation of Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
Joplin - the privacy-focused note taking app with sync capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
Simple low cost circuit to connect inexpensive optical encoders to a dobsonian telescope
Data visualization software for embedded devices and projects
This repository contains a platformio library and an explanatory jupyter notebook for calculating the hard and soft iron offsets of an magnetometer.
Convert SOME/IP config in FIBEX 4 to different configuration formats (e.g. Wireshark).
A TypeScript-like language for WebAssembly.
Advanced generator for generating Typescript type-definitions from AVRO-schema files
Embedded Go Database, the fast alternative to SQLite, gorm, etc.
A framework for 3D geospatial visualization in the browser
Load a MapLibre style document and parse it into Javascript functions
The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
✨ Build a beautiful and simple website in literally minutes. Demo at
A list of awesome open source projects Volodymyr Agafonkin is involved in.
Vector and raster maps with GL styles. Server side rendering by MapLibre GL Native. Map tile server for MapLibre GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, GIS via WMTS, etc.