Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
Use Framer components in your React codebase
A repository of Cruip's guides & tutorials in HTML made with HTML, Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js
This template contains a full-featured setup of components, queries and tooling to get started with Hydrogen. It is deployed to
Hydrogen lets you build faster headless storefronts in less time, on Shopify.
Modern frontend tooling for Shopify theme development using Vite for a best-in-class DX.
A barebones ☠️ starter theme.
A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies (jobs) in tech.
A simple hover effect for images using different SVG filters.
UI Library for Design Engineers. Animated components and effects you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Source.
🛤 Detection of elements in viewport & smooth scrolling with parallax.
Javascript utility that splits text into lines, words, characters for animation
Avatars is a collection of diverse free avatar images from across the web, designed to add personality to your projects. With a vast selection of vibrant illustrations, you can enhance your project…
Hosts TSConfigs to extend in a TypeScript app, tuned to a particular runtime environment
A comprehensive guide, curated by the Framer community, to provide insights into advanced features not covered in the official Framer documentation
Library to validate, parse, generate, and format Malaysian Identity Card (MyKad) numbers.
The official CodeStitch Intermediate kit, featuring 11ty, Decap CMS and SASS - all set up for you! Perfect for websites of all sizes.
A simple boilerplate for using NPM tasks to build and compile JavaScript, CSS, and image files.
This repository holds the device support files for the iOS, and I will update it regularly.
This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial we are going to build and deploy a an admin dashboard app using React.js and Syncfusion
This tutorial demonstrates how to handle authentication in react. It starts with an introduction to React-Bootstrap
This tutorial teaches how to create authentication for a user using nodejs and mongoDB
A Gatsby starter using the latest Shopify plugin showcasing a store with product overview, individual product pages, and a cart
The world's most flexible commerce platform.
Since Polisens web queueing solution for getting a passport sucks, and it is more or less impossible to book a time, I wrote this small javascript. What it does is that it automates the searching f…