I am Keisuke Kawahara, a Ph.D. student at Yokohama National University, Japan. My interests include integrated circuit design, silicon photonics, optical communication, microwave theory, and signal processing.

Achieving record low power consumption by optimizing the electrode impedance of a photonic crystal slow-light optical modulator. 📄Optica (Open Access) 📄OFC

World's first demonstration of bandwidth tripling of digital-to-analog converters using an analog multiplexer. 📄IEEE T-MTT 📄IEEE RWS

Active feedback technique simultaneously enables imbalance correction and bandwidth extension. 📄IEEE TCAS-I 📄IEEE MWSCAS

Coupled inductors halve the chip footprint of a differential distributed amplifier. 📄IEICE TREL (Open Access) 📄IEEE ISCAS

The trimless temperature sensor is based on an open-source design rule and is freely reusable. GitHub Repository

The class-AB CMOS operational amplifier consumes only 7.7 µA and provides a slew rate of 1 V/µs with a 1-nF load. Slides for 2021 and 2020