Work with INI files in PowerShell using hashtables.
This code was originally a blog post for Hey Scripting Guy
PSIni is published to the Powershell Gallery and can be installed as follows:
Install-Module PSIni
Create a hashtable and save it to C:\settings.ini:
Import-Module PSIni
$Category1 = @{"Key1"="Value1";"Key2"="Value2"}
$Category2 = @{"Key1"="Value1";"Key2"="Value2"}
$NewINIContent = @{"Category1"=$Category1;"Category2"=$Category2}
Out-IniFile -InputObject $NewINIContent -FilePath "C:\settings.ini"
[Category1] Key1=Value1 Key2=Value2 [Category2] Key1=Value1 Key2=Value2
Returns the key "Key2" of the section "Category2" from the C:\settings.ini file:
$FileContent = Get-IniContent "C:\settings.ini"