Llama Software
- Texas
- https://youtube.com/c/LlamAcademy
Learn how to set up OffMeshLinks via the NavMeshLink component to add ladders your AI can climb into your game!
Learn how to recreate all the standard specular surface inputs (PBR) on the URP/Lit Shader in Unity ShaderGraph!
A minigolf microgame made with Unity for educational purposes
The code for my series of tutorials on how to make a real-time stategy (RTS) game in the well-know Unity game engine (with C# scripting)!
An Open Source game using Unity where you spawn Llamas to defend a chicken coop against spooky snakes and fiendish foxes
This repository is intended to be a playground to see the impacts of changes to Physic Materials in Unity
Learn how to knock back NavMeshAgents using Physics & Forces
Learn how to create 3 different flickering emissive effects using ShaderGraph
See a full implementation of an enemy AI with GOAP
Learn how to create an Embers shader that doesn't require a sprite sheet or external texture! We'll be using automatically generated tri-mapped noise to create this effect.
Learn how blend between 2 (or more) textures using Vertex Colors in a Shader
Play around with different Physics Overlap options to get a better understanding of how they work
See a full, end to end implementation of an enemy AI with 4 attacks using a Behavior Tree framework, AI Tree.
Learn how you can implement Enemy AI with a Finite State Machine
A simple yet powerful class-based hierarchical finite state machine for Unity
Learn how you can generate a Mesh at runtime based on the NavMesh Triangulation.
Circular and Linear Waves in ShaderGraph
Learn some of the basics of Vertex Displacement in a shader. A "breathing" effect, and a wiggle side to side effect!
Learn how to apply the "LOD" (Level of Detail) concept to lights!
Learn how to make AI calculate an intercept path for a moving target.
Learn how to create a scrolling texture shader in URP Shader graph
Learn how to set up Unity IAP for both Google Play and the Apple App Store
Learn how to reset a scene in Unity back to its original state after the player has died, lost, or even won!
Learn how to show animated 3D Models on your UI using a Canvas, Render Texture, and any 3d model
Learn how to implement a framework to manage animations between scenes.
Learn how to bake animations as a series of "snapshots" of meshes.
Learn how to sample a 2D texture and get a weighted randomness value based on an arbitrary color attribute
Learn how to find the OffMeshLinks (high level component: NavMeshLink) that a NavMeshAgent will take on their current path