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通用第三方登录,支持Wechat,微信,QQ,Sina,支付宝,Facebook,Line,Twitter,Google ,Pc/Mobile/App login


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After developing multiple QQ and WeChat logins, it is natural to develop an aversion. Inertia has returned and I want to search for relevant wheels online, but I have never found a one that I feel satisfied with. Either it is too difficult to understand when using, or the file structure is too messy, so I have to roll up my sleeves and do it myself.

!!Please familiarize yourself with the Oauth/QQ/WeChat documentation first!! Please have basic debugging skills !!

Welcome Star, welcome PR !

If you have any questions to communicate, please post them here : OAuth2 exchange Or Send an email

Integrating many third party login interfaces, including qq-login、wx-login、sina-login、github-login、alipay-login、aliyum-login、douyin-login and so on



You can find the tinymeng/oauth documentation on the website. Check out the Getting Started page for a quick overview.

General third-party login instructions document

Domestic Platforms

Gateways Login Name Login Method
qq Tencent QQ PC Scan Code, APP
wechat WeChat PC, Official Account, Mini Program, APP
wecom WeCom PC, APP
sina Sina Weibo PC, APP
alipay Alipay PC, APP
aliyun Alibaba Cloud PC
baidu Baidu PC
douyin Douyin PC, APP
toutiao Toutiao PC, APP
xigua Xigua Video PC, APP
dingtalk DingTalk PC, APP
xiaomi Xiaomi PC, APP
huawei Huawei PC, APP

Development Platforms

Gateways Login Name Login Method
github GitHub PC
gitlab GitLab PC
gitee Gitee PC
coding Coding PC
oschina OSChina PC
csdn CSDN PC

International Platforms

Gateways Login Name Login Method
google Google PC
facebook Facebook PC
twitter Twitter PC
line Line PC
naver Naver PC
amazon Amazon PC
apple Apple PC, APP
yahoo Yahoo PC
microsoft Microsoft PC


  1. International platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter require overseas or Hong Kong servers for successful callback
  2. Some platforms support multiple authorization methods, such as PC web authorization and APP authorization
  3. Please read the corresponding platform's development documentation and complete developer qualification certification before use


composer require tinymeng/oauth:^2.0.0 -vvv

The namespace used by the class library is \\tinymeng\\oauth


├── example                         示例代码目录
│   ├── config                      配置示例
│   │   └── params.php              参数配置示例
│   ├── oauth2.php                  OAuth2 使用示例
│   ├── proxy                       代理相关示例
│   │   └── wx_proxy.php            微信多域名代理 PHP 版本
│   └── weixin-authorize-proxy.html 微信多域名代理 HTML 版本(推荐)
├── src                             源代码目录
│   ├── Connector                   连接器基类目录
│   │   ├── Gateway.php             必须继承的抽象基类
│   │   └── GatewayInterface.php    必须实现的接口
│   ├── Exception                   异常处理目录
│   │   └── OAuthException.php      OAuth 异常类
│   ├── Gateways                    各平台授权实现目录
│   │   ├── Alipay.php              支付宝授权
│   │   ├── Aliyun.php              阿里云授权
│   │   ├── Baidu.php               百度授权
│   │   ├── Coding.php              Coding 授权
│   │   ├── Csdn.php                CSDN 授权
│   │   ├── Douyin.php              抖音授权
│   │   ├── Facebook.php            Facebook 授权
│   │   ├── Gitee.php               Gitee 授权
│   │   ├── Github.php              GitHub 授权
│   │   ├── Gitlab.php              GitLab 授权
│   │   ├── Google.php              Google 授权
│   │   ├── Line.php                Line 授权
│   │   ├── Naver.php               Naver 授权
│   │   ├── Oschina.php             OSChina 授权
│   │   ├── Qq.php                  QQ 授权
│   │   ├── Sina.php                新浪微博授权
│   │   ├── Twitter.php             Twitter 授权
│   │   └── Wechat.php              微信授权
│   ├── Helper                      辅助类目录
│   │   ├── ConstCode.php           公共常量定义
│   │   └── Str.php                 字符串辅助类
│   └── OAuth.php                   OAuth 工厂类
├── tests                           测试目录
│   └── OAuthTest.php               OAuth 测试类
├── composer.json                   Composer 配置文件
├── LICENSE                         MIT 开源协议
└──                       说明文档

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通用第三方登录,支持Wechat,微信,QQ,Sina,支付宝,Facebook,Line,Twitter,Google ,Pc/Mobile/App login








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