After developing multiple QQ and WeChat logins, it is natural to develop an aversion. Inertia has returned and I want to search for relevant wheels online, but I have never found a one that I feel satisfied with. Either it is too difficult to understand when using, or the file structure is too messy, so I have to roll up my sleeves and do it myself.
!!Please familiarize yourself with the Oauth/QQ/WeChat documentation first!! Please have basic debugging skills !!
Welcome Star, welcome PR !
If you have any questions to communicate, please post them here : OAuth2 exchange Or Send an email
Integrating many third party login interfaces, including qq-login、wx-login、sina-login、github-login、alipay-login、aliyum-login、douyin-login and so on
You can find the tinymeng/oauth documentation on the website. Check out the Getting Started page for a quick overview.
Gateways | Login Name | Login Method |
Tencent QQ | PC Scan Code, APP | |
PC, Official Account, Mini Program, APP | ||
wecom | WeCom | PC, APP |
sina | Sina Weibo | PC, APP |
alipay | Alipay | PC, APP |
aliyun | Alibaba Cloud | PC |
baidu | Baidu | PC |
douyin | Douyin | PC, APP |
toutiao | Toutiao | PC, APP |
xigua | Xigua Video | PC, APP |
dingtalk | DingTalk | PC, APP |
xiaomi | Xiaomi | PC, APP |
huawei | Huawei | PC, APP |
Gateways | Login Name | Login Method |
github | GitHub | PC |
gitlab | GitLab | PC |
gitee | Gitee | PC |
coding | Coding | PC |
oschina | OSChina | PC |
csdn | CSDN | PC |
Gateways | Login Name | Login Method |
PC | ||
PC | ||
PC | ||
line | Line | PC |
naver | Naver | PC |
amazon | Amazon | PC |
apple | Apple | PC, APP |
yahoo | Yahoo | PC |
microsoft | Microsoft | PC |
- International platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter require overseas or Hong Kong servers for successful callback
- Some platforms support multiple authorization methods, such as PC web authorization and APP authorization
- Please read the corresponding platform's development documentation and complete developer qualification certification before use
composer require tinymeng/oauth:^2.0.0 -vvv
The namespace used by the class library is
├── example 示例代码目录
│ ├── config 配置示例
│ │ └── params.php 参数配置示例
│ ├── oauth2.php OAuth2 使用示例
│ ├── proxy 代理相关示例
│ │ └── wx_proxy.php 微信多域名代理 PHP 版本
│ └── weixin-authorize-proxy.html 微信多域名代理 HTML 版本(推荐)
├── src 源代码目录
│ ├── Connector 连接器基类目录
│ │ ├── Gateway.php 必须继承的抽象基类
│ │ └── GatewayInterface.php 必须实现的接口
│ ├── Exception 异常处理目录
│ │ └── OAuthException.php OAuth 异常类
│ ├── Gateways 各平台授权实现目录
│ │ ├── Alipay.php 支付宝授权
│ │ ├── Aliyun.php 阿里云授权
│ │ ├── Baidu.php 百度授权
│ │ ├── Coding.php Coding 授权
│ │ ├── Csdn.php CSDN 授权
│ │ ├── Douyin.php 抖音授权
│ │ ├── Facebook.php Facebook 授权
│ │ ├── Gitee.php Gitee 授权
│ │ ├── Github.php GitHub 授权
│ │ ├── Gitlab.php GitLab 授权
│ │ ├── Google.php Google 授权
│ │ ├── Line.php Line 授权
│ │ ├── Naver.php Naver 授权
│ │ ├── Oschina.php OSChina 授权
│ │ ├── Qq.php QQ 授权
│ │ ├── Sina.php 新浪微博授权
│ │ ├── Twitter.php Twitter 授权
│ │ └── Wechat.php 微信授权
│ ├── Helper 辅助类目录
│ │ ├── ConstCode.php 公共常量定义
│ │ └── Str.php 字符串辅助类
│ └── OAuth.php OAuth 工厂类
├── tests 测试目录
│ └── OAuthTest.php OAuth 测试类
├── composer.json Composer 配置文件
├── LICENSE MIT 开源协议
└── 说明文档