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Hyperliquid API SDK

Typescript SDK to more easily interact with @hyperliquid-dex API.

The official Hyperliquid API docs can be found here.


bun add hyperliq

Account & Authentication

Private Key vs. Agent Wallet

  • If you have your own private key for a Hyperliquid account, simply pass it into the Hyperliquid constructor. The SDK can derive your wallet address automatically.
  • If you are using an API Agent Wallet provided by Hyperliquid, you must supply a walletAddress as well. Without it, certain authenticated methods (like order placement) will fail, as the SDK needs your address to sign and validate actions.

Providing Credentials

  • Set your private key and wallet address (if needed) via environment variables or directly in your code. For example:
const { Hyperliquid } = require('hyperliq');

const privateKey = process.env.HYPERLIQUID_PRIVATE_KEY; // recommended
const walletAddress = process.env.HYPERLIQUID_WALLET_ADDRESS; // if using API agent wallet

const sdk = new Hyperliquid(privateKey, false, walletAddress);

Testnet vs. Mainnet

Pass true as the second constructor argument to connect to the testnet environment. For example:

const sdk = new Hyperliquid(privateKey, true);

This lets you safely experiment with order placement without risking real funds.

Rate Limits and Best Practices

  • Hyperliquid enforces rate limits per IP and also has address-based rate limiting.
  • Start by calling low-rate-limit endpoints (e.g., getAllMids) and gradually integrate more complex operations.
  • If you encounter rate limit errors, slow down your requests or implement caching to avoid redundant calls.

Symbol Naming Convention

Instead of using native symbols (which can be confusing, like @1, @4, @5 for spot and only the coin name for perps), we've implemented a more intuitive naming system:

  • For perpetuals: <coin>-PERP (e.g., BTC-PERP, ETH-PERP)
  • For spot: <coin>-SPOT (e.g., PURR-SPOT, BTC-SPOT)

This convention makes it easier to distinguish between spot and perpetual markets.


Exchange API Methods

// Place an order{
  coin: 'BTC-PERP',
  is_buy: true,
  sz: 1,
  limit_px: 30000,
  order_type: { limit: { tif: 'Gtc' } },
  reduce_only: false,
  vaultAddress: '0x...' // optional
}).then(placeOrderResult => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error placing order:', error);

// Multiple orders can be passed as an array or order objects
// The grouping, vaultAddress and builder properties are optional
// Grouping determines how multiple orders are treated by the exchange endpoint in terms
// of transaction priority, execution and dependency. Defaults to 'na' if not specified.{
  orders: [{
    coin: 'BTC-PERP',
    is_buy: true,
    sz: 1,
    limit_px: 30000,
    order_type: { limit: { tif: 'Gtc' } },
    reduce_only: false
  vaultAddress: '0x...',
  grouping: 'normalTpsl',
  builder: {
    address: '0x...',
    fee: 999,
}).then(placeOrderResult => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error placing order:', error);

// Cancel an order{
  coin: 'BTC-PERP',
  o: 123456 // order ID
}).then(cancelOrderResult => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error cancelling order:', error);

// Transfer between perpetual and spot accounts, true) // Transfer 100 USDC from spot to perp
  .then(transferResult => {
  }).catch(error => {
    console.error('Error transferring funds:', error);

All methods supported can be found here: Hyperliquid Exchange Endpoint API Documentation

General Info Methods

// Get all mids => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error getting all mids:', error);

// Get user open orders'user_address_here').then(userOpenOrders => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error getting user open orders:', error);

// Get L2 order book'BTC-PERP').then(l2Book => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error getting L2 book:', error);

All methods supported can be found here: Hyperliquid Info Endpoint API Documentation

WebSocket Methods

const { Hyperliquid } = require('hyperliquid');

async function testWebSocket() {
    // Create a new Hyperliquid instance
    // You can pass a private key here if you need authenticated access
    const sdk = new Hyperliquid();

    try {
        // Connect to the WebSocket
        await sdk.connect();
        console.log('Connected to WebSocket');

        // Subscribe to get latest prices for all coins
        sdk.subscriptions.subscribeToAllMids((data) => {
            console.log('Received trades data:', data);

        // Get updates anytime the user gets new fills
        sdk.subscriptions.subscribeToUserFills("<wallet_address_here>", (data) => {
            console.log('Received user fills data:', data);

        // Get updates on 1 minute ETH-PERP candles
        sdk.subscriptions.subscribeToCandle("BTC-PERP", "1m", (data) => {
            console.log('Received candle data:', data);

        // Keep the script running
        await new Promise(() => {});
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error:', error);


Spot Info Methods

//Get spot metadata => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error getting spot metadata:', error);

// Get spot clearinghouse state'user_address_here').then(spotClearinghouseState => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error getting spot clearinghouse state:', error);

All methods supported can be found here: Hyperliquid Spot Info Endpoint API Documentation

Perpetuals Info Methods

// Get perpetuals metadata => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error getting perpetuals metadata:', error);

// Get user's perpetuals account summary'user_address_here').then(clearinghouseState => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error getting clearinghouse state:', error);

All methods supported can be found here: Hyperliquid Perpetuals Info Endpoint API Documentation

Custom Methods

// Cancel all orders
sdk.custom.cancelAllOrders().then(cancelAllResult => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error cancelling all orders:', error);

// Cancel all orders for a specific symbol
sdk.custom.cancelAllOrders('BTC-PERP').then(cancelAllBTCResult => {
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error cancelling all BTC-PERP orders:', error);

// Get all tradable assets
const allAssets = sdk.custom.getAllAssets();

All Custom methods are listed above. These are custom methods that are not part of the official Hyperliquid API. As more are added we will add examples for them here.


For more detailed documentation on all available methods and their parameters, please refer to the official Hyperliquid API documentation.
