repo rules
Appensure that all repositories have the same settings, e.g. visibility, squash delete, gpg branch protection, team permissions
By cyare
414 installs
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An application to set up and enforce rules for all of your GitHub repositories:
- enforce rules on all repositories or a sub selection using regex
- ensure that all repositories only use squash merge and delete merged branch
- ensure that matching repositories always have private visibility
- ensure that only certain team is admin or maintainer of repositories with certain pattern
- ensure that the default branch (or any branch) always requires GPG signatures on commit
This application basically allows you to set up a rule for repository, automated security fixes, vulnerability alerts, topics, team permissions and branch protection to any of your repository. The rule is run periodically or when a webhook is sent from github.
This application needs the administration permission and members permission for your organization. If you have concerns over the permission, there is also the Enterprise plan where you self host the code and app.
rules dashboard
audit logs for rule creation
audit logs for rule run
Plans and pricing
For anyone to get started
$0For the more advanced setups
$15 / month- Unlimited Rules
- Manual runs
- Automatic runs every 3 hours and on github webhooks
- All features
repo rules is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation