Allows you easily scan for and delete scam comments using several methods.
Chrome extension to return youtube dislikes
Voice chats, private incoming and outgoing calls in Telegram for Developers
Pydantic lambda layer for use in AWS
Pydantic model and lambda event handler for AWS Lambda
A community initiative to connect active job seekers with organizations and people who participate in employee referral programs
An automated, headless YouTube Uploader
A fully automated system that transforms Twitch clips into gaming compilations
Modular Userbot for Whatsapp. Supports MultiDevice authentication on non persistent server.
A Python DB-API 2.0 client for the AWS Aurora Serverless Data API
A Telegram bot that can do a lot of things related to PDF files
Check if bot(s) are down and send message in log channel
Telebooth is a free and open source customer support tool built for Telegram.
Simple Serverless Telegram Bot on
[UNMAINTAINED] The first voice chat-related Telegram bot to be open-sourced. Uses MPV and has queue, stream & YouTube support.
Megatron was a telegram file management bot that helped a lot of users, specially movie channel managers to upload their files to telegram by just providing a link to it. The project initially star…
Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python
A web server that re-writes URL's which at the end of the day can be used as a URL shorten-er. It uses aiohttp as the web server and mongodb to store the Data.
stream movies from telegram to smart tv