Simple and customizable Dashboard, made with Ionic, angular, Node.JS and GraphQL (former CAS_FEE@HSR Diploma thesis 2016).
- Node >= 12.0
npm install -g ionic mocha
yarn install
ionic serve
npm run start
- Clock
- Currency (from Fixer)
- Github
- Google Pagespeed
- News (from NewsApi)
- Water Temperature (from
- Weather (from OpenWeatherMap)
- Create a new Tile Component, extends the Component with the TileBaseDirective and add it to the TilesModules (under src\app\modules\tiles)
- Create a new GraphQL Schema File (under api) and define your own Resolve Logic (in schema.js)
All important settings like ApiKeys, Mailserver Settings, etc. are contained in the .env file. Please look at the .env.example file.
npm test
You will find a productive Version under Login with Username and Password test1234.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Special thanks to jonnitto for the support and his incredible work.