Do you want a free subdomain for your AWS User Group?
You are in the right place. Here you can make a Pull Request and create domain for your AWS User Group free of costs.
Check as an example.
Everything, its yours, you can configure it for your website, or multiple websites. Once the subdomain of your city is pointing to your DNS server or AWS Hostzone, you can configure your web applications there, your backends, your email serves, everything like a normal top domain.
First create a public Hosted zone in AWS Route53 with the name of your city like "" and store the NS records for later.
Make a Pull Request to this repo with your city name and your DNS Nameservers, so we can point it to you. To make the process more secure and avoid someone try to hijack some other city identity, we require you to provide some extra information for us to validate you are how you say you are. It is very simple!
Check the Lisbon AWS User Group example
lisbon = {
nameservers = [
validation_email = ""
meetup_com_website = ""
Now go to and create yours.
Check the Lisbon website repo, there you have terraform and documentation on how to do it.
Any questions, feedback, or just want to talk with me? You can contact me, by email or on LinkedIn.