Cross-platform implementation of elf's AI5WIN engine
vrtdev / vagrant-s3auth
Forked from WhoopInc/vagrant-s3authVagrant plugin for private, versioned boxes on Amazon S3.
AivisSpeech: AI Voice Imitation System - Text to Speech Software
KonomiTV: Kept Organized, Notably Optimized, Modern Interface TV media server
OpenGFW is a flexible, easy-to-use, open source implementation of GFW (Great Firewall of China) on Linux
Terraform MySQL provider using terraform-plugin-framework and supports MySQL 8
A software synthesizer emulating the Sound Canvas SC-55 lineup
Terraform provider for SakuraCloud
Chatbot that allows users to communicate directly with Ansible AWX/Tower from various chat platforms.
An all-purpose window upscaler for Windows 10/11.
GUI-based Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network(SRCNN)Utility.
Peterkn2001 / blynk-server
Forked from HenrikDA/blynk-serverThis is a fork of the now discontinued and unsupported Blynk Legacy Local Server documentation and releases.
An indoor quadcopter project using ESP32 microprocessors
Unity Performance Tuning knowledge book
A latent text-to-image diffusion model
Provides a side-car container to backup itzg/minecraft-server server data