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Compare statistical and Transformers model on Temporal Data


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Temporal Tussle



Benchmark the Time Series Models

[!NOTE] Files

  1. Bechnmarks sheet
  2. EDA, arima, sarima, ets, theta
  3. N-beats Noetbook
  4. N-beats paper
  5. N-hiTS paper
  6. Time Series Notes Repo

About Dataset

  • Daily Temperature of Major Cities

A dataset on the daily temperature of major cities worldwide can help analyze global warming trends. Additionally, weather data is invaluable for various data science tasks, such as:

  • Sales Forecasting: Analyzing weather trends to predict product demand.
  • Logistics: Optimizing supply chain operations based on weather patterns.

The dataset includes:

  • Daily average temperature values recorded in major cities globally.
  • Format: Separate .txt files for each city.

The dataset is provided by the University of Dayton and is available for research and non-commercial purposes only. For more details, please refer to this page.

Summary on dataset

  • Electricity production with daily records.
  • Columns: Date,
  • IPG2211A2N
  • Total rows: 12,054
  • Train data: 10,592
  • Test data: 1,462

Models and Results

Model Parameters Used Package Forecasts at a Time RMSE MAE MASE MAPE sMAPE Runtime
ARIMA order=(0, 1, 0) using auto_arima Statsmodels Test data 14.24 11.84 42.38 12.27 11.26 0.4s
SARIMA Seasonal order = 12 Statsmodels Test data 14.24 11.84 42.38 12.27 11.26 0.6s
ETS trend='add', seasonal='add', seasonal_periods=12 Statsmodels Test data 16.58 14.13 50.57 14.59 13.23 2.2s
Theta Test data Statsmodels Test data 15.48 12.97 46.41 13.44 12.25 4.7s
Croston Version = "optimized" Darts Test data 14.24 11.84 42.36 12.28 11.26 1.3s
N-Beats Best model fit, Early stopping, learning rate, max_prediction_length = 24 PyTorch Forecasting 24 2.73 0.8 0.66 0.65 0.67 68.2s
TimeGPT h=12, 24, 48, freq='D' TimeGPT 12, 24, 48 10.41 8.5 4 8.27 8.82 14s
TFT Time issue PyTorch Forecasting Test data
XGBoost objective='reg:squarederror', n_estimators=1000, converted TS to supervised learning XGBoost Test data 1.9 0.57 2.05 0.54 0.54 1200s

The dataset consists of daily electricity production records, with 12,054 total rows divided into training (10,592 rows) and testing (1,462 rows). Various models were evaluated for their performance in forecasting future electricity production values. These models include both statistical approaches and machine learning methods. Below is a summary of the models and their results:

Statistical Models

1. ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average):

  • A widely used statistical model for time series forecasting, utilizing auto_arima for optimal parameter selection.
  • Performance:
    • RMSE: 14.24
    • MAPE: 12.27%

2. SARIMA (Seasonal ARIMA):

  • An extension of ARIMA incorporating seasonality with a seasonal order of 12.
  • Performance:
    • RMSE: 14.24
    • MAPE: 12.27%

3. ETS (Error, Trend, Seasonality):

  • A classical forecasting method with additive trend and seasonality components.
  • Performance:
    • RMSE: 16.58
    • MAPE: 14.59%

4. Theta Model:

  • A simple yet effective statistical model for time series forecasting.
  • Performance:
    • RMSE: 15.48
    • MAPE: 13.44%

5. Croston’s Method:

  • Optimized for intermittent demand data, showing performance comparable to ARIMA.
  • Performance:
    • RMSE: 14.24
    • MAPE: 12.28%

Neural Network Models

1. N-Beats:

  • A deep learning model designed for long-term time series forecasting, trained using PyTorch Forecasting.
  • Performance:
    • RMSE: 2.73
    • MAPE: 0.65%

2. TimeGPT:

  • A proprietary time-series-specific Transformer-based model, offering multi-horizon forecasting for 12, 24, and 48 steps.
  • Performance:
    • RMSE: 10.41
    • MAPE: 8.27%

3. TFT (Temporal Fusion Transformer):

  • A powerful model for handling complex temporal relationships.
  • Challenges: Encountered runtime and time-issue challenges, making its evaluation incomplete.

Machine Learning Models

1. XGBoost:

  • A tree-based gradient boosting model applied to a supervised learning transformation of the time series data.
  • Performance:
    • RMSE: 1.9
    • MAPE: 0.54%

2. LinearGAM (Generalized Additive Models):

  • A linear regression-based model for handling non-linear relationships.
  • Performance: Results not reported but could provide interpretable results.

Key Takeaways

  • Machine learning models like XGBoost and deep learning models such as N-Beats exhibited superior performance compared to traditional statistical models.
  • TimeGPT and Transformer-based approaches are promising for temporal data, especially for multi-horizon forecasting tasks.
  • While statistical models like ARIMA and SARIMA are reliable and interpretable, they struggled to match the accuracy of advanced neural network and machine learning methods.
  • Runtime and computational efficiency varied significantly, with statistical models being faster but neural networks and ensemble models offering better accuracy.


Triple Exponential Smoothing vs TimeGPT

In this analysis, I compare the performance of the statistical model Triple Exponential Smoothing (TES) with the pretrained TimeGPT model for time series forecasting. Using the SellOut dataset, I evaluate both models across multiple forecasting horizons (12, 24, 48) and discuss their effectiveness in capturing trends, seasonal patterns, and handling long-term and short-term data variations. The comparison provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each model, specifically in terms of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Weighted Mean Absolute Percentage Error (WMAPE), and Accuracy MAPE.

[!NOTE] Files

  1. SellOut_experimentation_12_LT.ipynb
  2. ActualInput_experimentation
  3. TimeGPT paper
  4. TimeGPT notebook
  5. Triple Exponential Smoothing paper

SellOut Dataset Overview

The SellOut dataset contains detailed records of sales data. Below is a summary of the key characteristics of the dataset:

Dataset Characteristics

  • Total Rows: 8,100,936
  • Columns:
    • Item: 214,602 unique items
    • Day: From 2017-05-11 to 2022-03-31
    • Ship To: 6 unique shipping locations
    • Location: 1 unique location
    • Actual Input: 8,100,936 records

Time Range

  • The data spans from 2017-05-11 to 2022-03-31, covering a range of almost 5 years of sales information.

Dataset Summary

  • The dataset contains multiple features to analyze sales trends, item performance, and shipping patterns.
  • With 8,100,936 entries, it offers a comprehensive overview of sales transactions across multiple items and locations.


1. Segmentation- AX, BX, AY, BY

  • Volume(Sum_Actual_Input) > 80%

alt text

2. AX, BX, AY, BY Distribution

alt text

3. Long and Short distribution of Items_Ship_To

  • Long Term and Short Term

alt text alt text


  1. I compared TimeGPT to TES in Univariate Time Series analysis.
  2. Analysis and forecasting were performed on Weekly * Item * Ship To level.
  3. I performed segmentation and took these 9 combinations:
    {AX_1, AX_2, AX_3, BX_1, BX_2, AY_1, AY_2, BY_1, BY_2}, and used the forecasting horizons (H) = 12, 24, 48.
  4. I divided the dataset into Short Term (ST) and Long Term (LT) duration of an Item_Ship_To (ID) and took 5 additional combinations:
    {LT_1, LT_2, LT_3, ST_1, ST_2}, used with H = 12.
  • Experiment Dataset: Time Series Analysis (TES vs TimeGPT)

  • AX: High Volume, Low Variance | BX: Low Volume, Low Variance | LT: Long Term

  • BY: Low Volume, High Variance | AY: High Volume, High Variance | ST: Short Term


  • mape =

| actual forecast | actual

  • WMAPE =

1 n i = 1 n ( | Actual i Forecasted i | Actual i ) × 100

  • Accuracy (MAPE) = $$ 1 - \left( \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} \lvert \text{actual}_i - \text{forecast}i \rvert}{\sum{i=1}^{n} \text{actual}_i} \right) \times 100 $$

Horizon 12

ID Columns No. of Zero (Weekly) Duration LT or ST Mape(TES) AccMape(TES) WMAPE(TES) Mape(TimeGPT) AccMape(TimeGPT) WMAPE(TimeGPT) Mape (TES - TimeGPT) Accuracy (TimeGPT - TES) WMAPE (TES - TimeGPT) Comment Reason Observed from Graph
AX_1 1421581000_100115 198 41 1378 0.114707 89.643223 0.103568 0.140113 87.167367 0.128326 -0.025406 -2.475856 -0.024758 Both good, TES a bit better
AX_2 1369131002_200002 221 64 1541 0.352284 59.293379 0.407066 0.333012 62.510168 0.374898 0.019272 3.216789 0.032168 Both good, TimeGPT a bit better
AX_3 3471852000_100115 199 31 1385 0.322225 74.543901 0.254561 0.318061 74.530493 0.254695 0.004164 -0.013408 -0.000134 Both good
BX_1 3523065004_200003 103 27 714 0.323693 64.017272 0.359827 0.351726 63.349912 0.366501 -0.028033 -0.66736 -0.006674 Both good, TES a bit better
BX_2 2648859_100115 65 2 451 0.364936 63.130527 0.368695 0.347848 70.776962 0.29223 0.017088 7.646435 0.076465 Both good, TimeGPT a bit better
BY_1 3527422005_200003 103 36 712 20.381798 -15.142556 1.151426 148.643737 32.255306 0.677447 -128.261939 47.397862 0.473979 Both Bad A lot of rise and fall in values
BY_2 3947472000_100115 125 57 870 0.44089 55.5096 0.444904 0.823465 40.413143 0.595869 -0.382575 -15.096457 -0.150965 Both Bad A lot of rise and fall in values
AY_1 671320007_100115 198 74 1382 0.191614 81.062789 0.189372 0.37973 70.007657 0.299923 -0.188116 -11.055132 -0.110551 Both good, TES a bit better In comparison above, less variation
AY_2 1369159000_200006 222 82 1548 0.27424 76.663025 0.23337 0.242972 74.300886 0.256991 0.031268 -2.362139 -0.023621 Both good, TES a bit better
Horizon 12

Horizon 24

ID Columns No. of Zero (Weekly) Duration LT or ST Mape(TES) AccMape(TES) WMAPE(TES) Mape(TimeGPT) AccMape(TimeGPT) WMAPE(TimeGPT) Mape (TES - TimeGPT) Accuracy (TimeGPT - TES) WMAPE (TES - TimeGPT) Comment
AX_1 1421581000_100115 198 41 1378 0.322019 78.357107 0.216429 0.337344 72.531382 0.274686 -0.015325 -5.825725 Both good, TES a bit better
AX_2 1369131002_200002 221 64 1541 0.354733 67.099779 0.329002 1.112151 23.380537 0.766195 -0.757418 -43.719242 TES a better
AX_3 3471852000_100115 199 31 1385 0.328702 67.436491 0.325635 0.332935 64.679209 0.353208 -0.004233 -2.757282 Both Average, TES a bit better
BX_1 3523065004_200003 103 27 714 0.370099 65.491198 0.345088 0.374063 70.889004 0.29111 -0.003964 5.397806 Both Average, TimeGPT a bit better
BX_2 2648859_100115 65 2 451 0.893372 27.592161 0.724078 26.001794 65.984794 0.340152 -25.108422 38.392633 TES Bad, TimeGPT average A lot of rise and fall in values
BY_1 3527422005_200003 103 36 712 31.897558 28.834183 0.711658 117.690571 49.419321 0.505807 -85.793013 20.585138 Both Bad, TimeGPT caught its trend A lot of rise and fall in values
BY_2 3947472000_100115 125 57 870 10.247373 -61.686565 1.616866 86.5333 48.344276 0.516557 -76.285927 110.030841 TES Bad, TimeGPT average In comparison above, less variation
AY_1 671320007_100115 198 74 1382 0.532795 54.388814 0.456112 0.422792 68.303856 0.316961 0.110003 13.915042 Both Average, TimeGPT a bit better
AY_2 1369159000_200006 222 82 1548 63.66828 -0.977009 1.00977 267.985979 0.446761 0.995532 -204.317699 1.42377 Both Bad
Horizon 24

Horizon 48

ID Columns No. of Zero (Weekly) Duration LT or ST Mape(TES) AccMape(TES) WMAPE(TES) Mape(TimeGPT) AccMape(TimeGPT) WMAPE(TimeGPT) Mape (TES - TimeGPT) Accuracy (TimeGPT - TES) WMAPE (TES - TimeGPT) Comment
AX_1 1421581000_100115 198 41 1378 0.321219 76.834992 0.218209 0.318866 72.451211 0.294257 0.002353 4.383784 Both good, TES a bit better
AX_2 1369131002_200002 221 64 1541 0.37551 67.621699 0.295125 0.506503 58.696086 0.469579 -0.130993 -8.925613 Both good, TimeGPT a bit better
AX_3 3471852000_100115 199 31 1385 0.356587 68.798366 0.298271 0.306508 69.29568 0.294524 0.050079 -0.497314 Both Average, TES better
BX_1 3523065004_200003 103 27 714 0.38994 63.968181 0.33556 0.328617 67.968015 0.299489 0.061323 4.063831 Both Average
BX_2 2648859_100115 65 2 451 0.432795 77.306215 0.432795 0.306577 72.160065 0.311768 0.126218 5.146148 Both Average, TimeGPT a bit better
BY_1 3527422005_200003 103 36 712 0.282746 65.373245 0.300602 0.328004 56.453918 0.470819 -0.045258 -8.635327 TES a bit better
BY_2 3947472000_100115 125 57 870 0.399085 -45.315833 1.23114 0.408559 -43.026731 1.40566 -0.009474 -2.289102 Both Average
AY_1 671320007_100115 198 74 1382 0.551383 72.125623 0.385269 0.382823 69.315058 0.347658 0.16856 2.810565 Both Average, TimeGPT a bit better
AY_2 1369159000_200006 222 82 1548 0.428926 51.404569 0.34749 0.355742 50.713168 0.318084 0.073184 0.691401 Both good

Observations & Results

  1. For H = 12, observed good evaluation values for 'Item_Ship_To' (ID) intersections from AX, BX sets by both models, with a slight difference. (For more details, refer to attachment.)
  2. For H = 24, TimeGPT is average, while TES shows slightly better results. For H = 48, TimeGPT is average, and TES performs better for AX, BX. (For more details, refer to attachment.)
  3. Both TES and TimeGPT performed poorly on BY.
  4. TimeGPT cannot spot sudden shifts despite having some historical evidence in the data. It tends to provide average values during these events.
  5. TimeGPT captures a good trend from intersections in the 9*3 combinations, especially when there is rich long-term data.

Further analysis is required to understand is availabel in sheet

To Do

  • WMape
  • Test and train graph on the same dataset
  • Prophet and ARIMA
  • Exogenous variable using TimeGPT
  • Explore other possibilities with TimeGPT



Compare statistical and Transformers model on Temporal Data








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