An introduction to ARM64 assembly on Apple Silicon Macs
Stable Diffusion web UI
A curated list of awesome Swift Macros
The first GitHub Copilot, Codeium and ChatGPT Xcode Source Editor Extension
iOS Objective-C headers as derived from runtime introspection
Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework - Android Repository
Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with SwiftData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
Commonly used data structures for Swift
A repository containing a variety of animations and Animated components created in SwiftUI that you can use in your own projects.
💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
直播源相关资源汇总 📺 💯 IPTV、M3U —— 勤洗手、戴口罩,祝愿所有人百毒不侵
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
🎈 Great SwiftUI drop-down refresh and scroll up to load more. 下拉刷新、上拉加载
Gathering all info published, both by Apple and by others, about new framework SwiftUI.
You don't need an animation library to add a simple effect to your SwiftUI app. Create it yourself with SwiftUI. This repo inspires you to add helpful and expressive SwiftUI animations like loading…
📽 A video player for SwiftUI, support for caching, preload and custom control view. SwiftUI 视频播放器,支持边下边播、预加载、自定义控制层
🎨 Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 9+ 主题/换肤, 暗色模式
🇨🇳 Learn how to make WeChat with SwiftUI. 微信 7.0 🟢
A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps