A modern GUI client based on Tauri, designed to run in Windows, macOS and Linux for tailored proxy experience
基于 immortalwrt 源码建构 rockchip 的 OpenWrt 固件。
基于 Lean 源码编译的 OpenWrt 固件——适配X86、R2C、R2S、R4S、R4SE、R5C、R5S、香橙派 R1 Plus、树莓派3B、树莓派4B、R66S、R68S、M68S、H28K、H66K、H68K、H88K、H69K、E25、N1、S905x3、S922x、HK1、X96max、微加云、贝壳云、我家云、章鱼星球等
Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
Keras model to generate HTML code from hand-drawn website mockups. Implements an image captioning architecture to drawn source images.
Tabler Icons components library for your Angular applications
Redis 6.0.20 6.2.14 7.0.15 7.2.4 7.4.0 for Windows
zero-dependency Nodejs Personal awesome utilities
PT 助手 Plus,为 Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome、Firefox 浏览器插件(Web Extensions),主要用于辅助下载 PT 站的种子。
在浏览器中解锁加密的音乐文件。原仓库: 1. ;2.
🍔 A Node.js Serverless Framework for front-end/full-stack developers. Build the application for next decade. Works on AWS, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and traditional VM/Container. Super easy inte…
A SQL query builder based on Knex with powerful TypeScript type support. Intergrated Tracing of OpenTelemetry. Declarative Transaction via decorator @Transactional
A JavaScript PDF generation library for Node and the browser
Responding to idle users in Angular (not AngularJS) applications.
NG-ZORRO admin panel front-end framework (surge mirror
🐿 A flexible and straightforward library that caches HTTP requests in Angular
User's idle service for Angular 15+
A simple, mobile-first instant messaging progressive web application.