Started as RL game components, now is more of an opionated RL engine for my personal games. It will contain utils but also my style of world gen, my input context, etc. to rapidly develop RLs.
- Swing app using Zircon
- Renders a HUD with minimap
- Open world (using noise function)
- Character sheet is inspired by D&D includes status/eq slots, inventory, equipment, spells and abilities
- Simple melee combat
- Dialogue support for interative conversations with hooks for actions (e.g. add fetch quest, become hostile, etc)
- Ability interface
- Action command pattern for common action reuse
- AI system includes monster spawns which have aggression and hostile status (ie will attack you)
- Location utilities includes path finding, neighbor finding, targeted abilities
- Field generation, propagation (ie the basis for spells)
- JSON templates so more items/monsters can be added easily
- Example vampire game (src/main/java/com/zygon/rl/game/example/
- Better UI interaction
- Log is ugly
- UI should have an inventory UI (currently printed to stdout)
- Character creation wizard
- More world spawns (e.g. foliage)
- Save/load of games
- More items, armor
- Including magic items
- More monsters
- Dynamic quests
- Dynamic dialogue
- Finish implementing towns
- Ranged combat
- Potions
- Crafting
- Spells
- Can use F1-F3 for experimental spells
Can run with:
./gradlew run
to launch the Swing game app.
To write jar to local maven:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
and then import:
Requires java 14+