Simple netconf command line client
ncli --help
Simple netconf command line client
ncli [command]
Available Commands:
commit Commit changes in candidate datastore
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
copy-config Copy configuration from source to target datastore
delete-config Delete configuration from target datasource
discard-changes Discard changes from candidate datastore
edit-config Send edit-config rpc to specified target datastore
get Send get rpc with specified filter or filter file
get-config Send get-config rpc with specified filter and source datasource
get-schema Get schema with specified identifier
hello Send hello request
help Help about any command
kill-session Kills session with the specified id
rpc Send rpc request
validate Validate changes in specified datastore
-h, --help help for ncli
--host string hostname or address of the device
--lock string wrap calls with lock/unlock - if applicable
--logging-level string set logging level - info,debug,critical
--password string password for authentication
--port int port of the device (default 830)
--username string username for authentication
-v, --version version for ncli
Use "ncli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
ncli --host clab-single-leaf1 --username admin --password admin@123 hello
ncli --host clab-single-leaf1 --username admin --password admin@123 get --path /netconf-state/capabilities
ncli --host clab-single-leaf1 --username admin --password admin@123 get-config --source running --path /
ncli --host clab-single-leaf1 --username admin --password admin@123 get-config --source running --path /configuration/system/host-name
ncli --host clab-single-leaf1 --username admin --password admin@123 rpc --rpc /get-route-information
ncli --host clab-single-leaf1 --username admin --password admin@123 edit-config --target candidate --path /configuration/system/host-name --value leaf1
ncli --host clab-single-leaf1 --username admin --password admin@123 discard-changes
ncli --host clab-single-leaf1 --username admin --password admin@123 edit-config --target candidate --path /configuration/system/host-name --value leaf1
ncli --host clab-single-leaf1 --username admin --password admin@123 commit