- I am Software Engineer 🚀
proficient in C, C++, Data Structures and Algorithms, Problem-Solving and have familiar knowledge of SQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript.
- I always have interest for Competitive Programming and have been part of several contests across different platforms which helped me improving my overall problem solving skills.
- Currently I am exploring Automation frameworks and coding automation scripts to improve the overall efficiency of the platform and provide a smooth bug free experience for the end user/client.
- Apart from this I even have interest in backend development and try to learn new things across this domain and look forward to absorbing knowledge🧠, gaining experience 🏭, collaborating🤝, growing 🌱 and building impactful software through my work!
- Feel free to reach out and connect😉!

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⭐️ From Aryan-Jha29 and suggestions always welcomed!