hey (n.) β A friendly command-line tool for making HTTP requests.
You can install Hey using npm:
npm install -g @dfurnes/hey
You can set aliases and default request options by creating a .hey.js
file in your home directory. For example:
module.exports = function(hey) {
return {
sites: {
'www.example.com': {
// β You can add aliases for favorite sites, so you can just
// type `hey get example/page` to load "www.example.com/page`!
alias: 'example',
// β If a site should always use HTTPS, set the `forceSecure` flag!
forceSecure: true,
// β You can set default headers to be used on all requests:
headers: {
'X-Secret-API-Key': '5RROHSzXQwJ9douud9u5Ln4BR'
'www.example.org': {
alias: 'auth-example',
forceSecure: true,
// β Automatically load password from the system keychain and set HTTP Basic Auth
// header by using `hey.basicauth('<username>')`. Will prompt on first request.
auth: hey.basicauth('username@example.com'),
MIT Β© David Furnes