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What is GYMIR ?

GYMIR is a GPL implementation of the Ymir compiler that use the GCC as a back end.

Compilation for local usage and tests

mkdir ${install_dir}/gcc
cd ${install_dir}/gcc
mkdir gcc-src
mkdir gcc-build
mkdir gcc-install

# cloning gcc
git clone --depth=1 git:// gcc-src
cd ${install_dir}/gcc/gcc-src
git fetch --tags --depth=1
git checkout releases/gcc-{version}

# cloning ymir - master revision
cd ${install_dir}/gcc/gcc-src/gcc
git clone --depth=1 ymir

# install deps
cd ${install_dir}/gcc/gcc-src/gcc

# configure
cd ${install_dir}/gcc/gcc-build
../gcc-src/configure --prefix=${install_dir}/gcc/gcc-build/../gcc-install --enable-languages=c,ymir --disable-bootstrap --disable-multilib

# compile
make install

# export path
export PATH=${PATH}:${install_dir}/gcc/gcc-install/bin:.

The compiler is know compiled and ready for debugging. All the source code of ymir are located in ${install_dir}/gcc/gcc-src/gcc/ymir/. Simply running:

cd ${install_dir}/gcc/gcc-build
make install

Will update the gyc command.

Warning some modification of ymir (such as ListError.{cc,hh}) may require to recompile every ymir files, the dependencies of compilation in c++ are not totally managed. To remove all precompiled file, and make sure everything is correct, you will have to run :

cd ${install_dir}/gcc/gcc-build
rm gcc/ymir/*.o # remove old object files
make install

To be fully usable, you will have to compile the runtime locally Runtime.

Compilation for release

The repository Ymir-CD_suite is the repository used to create releases of gyc.


No releases published