pageType hero features home name text tagline actions image My Site A cool website! This is the tagline theme text link brand Quick Start /guide/ theme text link alt GitHub src alt /rspress-icon.png Logo title details icon Blazing fast build speed The core compilation module is based on the Rust front-end toolchain, providing a more ultimate development experience. 🏃🏻♀️ title details icon Support for MDX content writing MDX is a powerful way to write content, allowing you to use React components in Markdown. 📦 title details icon Built-in full-text search Automatically generates a full-text search index for you during construction, providing out-of-the-box full-text search capabilities. 🎨 title details icon Simpler I18n solution With the built-in I18n solution, you can easily provide multi-language support for documents or components. 🌍 title details icon Static site generation In production, it automatically builds into static HTML files, which can be easily deployed anywhere. 🌈 title details icon Providing multiple custom capabilities Through its extension mechanism, you can easily extend theme UI and build process. 🔥