- Brasília - DF
- https://www.buymeacoffee.com/maxmullers17
Hacktoberfest2022-1 Public
Forked from ossamamehmood/HacktoberfestHacktoberfest 2022 OPEN FIRST Pull Request - FREE T-SHIRT🎉
he4rtoberfest-2023 Public
Forked from he4rt/he4rtoberfest-2023Repo oficial do He4rtoberfest da He4rt Developers 2023
Hacktoberfest2023-Beginners-New Public
Forked from AkankshaAI/Hacktoberfest2023-Beginners-New -
Hey there send your pull requests here and get it merged to participate in Hacktoberfest 2023
Projects-and-codes Public
Forked from Techno-Developers-Team/Projects-and-codes -
Hacktoberfest2023-3 Public
Forked from Ananyasingh2002/Hacktoberfest2023Join Hacktoberfest 2023: Contribute to open source, learn, and earn rewards. Beginner-friendly. Explore issues, fork, code, and make a global impact. Let's collaborate!
HacktoberFest2k23 Public
Forked from any-mesh/HacktoberFest2k23Repo for newbies to contribute to Hacktober Fest2k23 and get badges/swags
Hacktoberfest-2023-2 Public
Forked from SyedZawwarAhmed/Hacktoberfest-2023This repository is made with the purpose of helping people complete their pull requests for Hacktoberfest 2023.
Hacktoberfest2023 Public
Forked from Karanjot786/Hacktoberfest2023Hacktoberfest 2023 OPEN FIRST Pull Request
python4beginners-Hacktoberfest23 Public
Forked from wbhoomika/python4beginners-Hacktoberfest23Repository totally dedicated to Hacktober Fest 2023, feel free to use it.
Hacktoberfest-2023-1 Public
Forked from goobar07/Hacktoberfest-2023Hacktoberfest 2023 is a month-long celebration of open source software, where people from all over the world come together to contribute to open source projects. It's a great opportunity to learn n…
Hacktoberfest-23 Public
Forked from cipher-droid/Hacktoberfest-23 -
Hacktoberfest2023-Python-Projects Public
Forked from JosephLahiru/Hacktoberfest2023-Python-ProjectsFeel free to create a new file, and do not hesitate to pull your code, the most important thing is that the file name here must match your nickname so that the file does not conflict with other peo…
Python_Scripts Public
Forked from DeepNinja07x/Python_ScriptsIt contains all the Python Programs, whether it's a GUI, basic, Data Structures, etc. It's a collection of some great Python scripts from basic to advance levels for automating some monotonous tasks.
MMVonnSeek Public
Config files for my GitHub profile.