I'mI'mecho "# 256root" >> README.md git init git add README.md git commit -m "first commit" git branch -M main git remote add origin https://github.com/North8side2510/256root.git git push -u origin main# Adding swagger documentation
When changing the parameters or endpoints of the API, please update the swagger documentation.
Visit the open source editor
Copy and paste the swagger from swagger.json in the
folder -
The editor will ask you to transform the file into yaml, click yes
Make your changes and make sure the swagger is valid. The editor when if it is not
Click on
, thenConvert and save as json
and update the swagger.json filepublic class BlankTriggerAddingConvention : IModelFinalizingConvention { public virtual void ProcessModelFinalizing( IConventionModelBuilder modelBuilder, IConventionContext context) { foreach (var entityType in modelBuilder.Metadata.GetEntityTypes()) { var table = StoreObjectIdentifier.Create(entityType, StoreObjectType.Table); if (table != null && entityType.GetDeclaredTriggers().All(t => t.GetDatabaseName(table.Value) == null) && (entityType.BaseType == null || entityType.GetMappingStrategy() != RelationalAnnotationNames.TphMappingStrategy)) { entityType.Builder.HasTrigger(table.Value.Name + "_Trigger"); }foreach (var fragment in entityType.GetMappingFragments(StoreObjectType.Table)) { if (entityType.GetDeclaredTriggers().All(t => t.GetDatabaseName(fragment.StoreObject) == null)) { entityType.Builder.HasTrigger(fragment.StoreObject.Name + "_Trigger"); } } }
} }services.AddDbContext( options => options.UseSqlServer( Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"), x => x.MigrationsAssembly("WebApplication1.Migrations"))); Overview basics/install basics/quickstart title: 'Lesson 24: Styling the skip link'work-item.htmla4a85f6477dfd49d36b1d4a3fd1f0762f5658148 af90e4d5a110dcf6e1929a510898c2ad28c45eec hero.image item.summary item.secondary item.primary item.title <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="string" android:sharedUserId="string" android:sharedUserLabel="string resource" android:sharedUserMaxSdkVersion="integer" android:versionCode="integer" android:versionName="string" android:installLocation=["auto" | "internalOnly" | "preferExternal"] > ...# Required metadata sonar.projectKey=java-sonar-runner-simple sonar.projectName=Simple Java project analyzed with the SonarQube Runner sonar.projectVersion=1.0
sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 it('can Create a Star', async() => { let tokenId = 1; let instance = await StarNotary.deployed(); await instance.createStar('Awesome Star!', tokenId, {from: accounts[0]}) assert.equal(await instance.tokenIdToStarInfo.call(tokenId), 'Awesome Star!') });f5f5dc