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ZScan_Processor PublicThis application processes scanned images of 96-well plates, splits them, renames them based on the barcode in the image, and transfers the images to a desired location.
Python 2
PickAndPlate PublicFrontend and logic behind an automated embryo pick and plating robot
AutoImager PublicImager for 96 well plates using a Nikon TI microscope with xy stage and GigE allied vision camera.
PRAT-Transfer-Utility PublicUtility to do scheduled transfers of files from the PRAT imager to a server. Handles logic for old file deletion as well.
PRAT_Auto_Processor PublicUtility to run a matlab script on PRAT video files and transfer computations and videos to a server
- geneSorter Public
This program searches a specifically formatted gene spreadsheet and outputs results into a separate sheet
- shuttleboxFormatter Public
This script converts the .txt files created by the shuttlebox program into an .xlsx spreadsheet
- Label-Maker Public
This is a simple Python script to convert lines from the SARL stock book into spreadsheets for fishtank labels
- shuttle_gui Public
- Sideview-Controller Public
This is an ultra simple button replacement sketch for handling showing led status lights and tapping solenoids for the sideview project. Literally dirt simple.
- PickAndPlate_Calibrator Public
This is a python application to run on a desktop to tune the PickAndPlate's detection calibration without having to deal with the super low-power arm processor.
- ZScan_Processor Public
This application processes scanned images of 96-well plates, splits them, renames them based on the barcode in the image, and transfers the images to a desired location.
- SideviewVideoProcessor Public
This is a short, thrown together program to do batch processing of a bunch of video files for the sideview behavior system.