This repo is aim to realise a simple visual slam system which support multi camera configruation. Meanwhile, we also utilize the OpensceneGraph to simulate some drone motion scene with groundtrugh trajectory, also use it to visulize our sparse mapping result, and try to find some strategies to improve the system.
Currently, I am mainly use it to build a convinent platform for accomplish my thesis. So I have no more energy to manage pull request and merge request, Any idea or question or suggestion is welcome to be descuss in issues.
- Multi camera hierarchical optimization based on multi resolution cameras observation.
- A multi thread Framework similar to ORB_SLAM but more simple and readable.
- Unified Matching process code as well as Optimizing to reduce redundancy
- fmt For Log and formating console output
- cmdline
- yaml Base on it , and support parsing array type.
- ROS melodic
- opencv 4+ with contrib
- Open Scene Graph
Image Rectification && pre-process (
currently, test data are simulated from osg, no need to do
) -
local feature extractor (ORB | SURF | Super Point) \ matcher
OSG Viewer 、Visulization Tracjtory and Camera and Maps.
Visual Odemetry
Local Mapping with Essential Graph
LoopClosing with Dbow
Visualization of Essentialgraph
Quantification of Reprojection Error with Scene Model, Calculated by
Build instruction (
If someone is intrested on this prototype
) -
Quantification of ATE or RTE.
┌───────── stereo────────┐
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
▼ 110 ▼
30 ┌──────────┐ 30
┌──────┐ │ │ ┌──────┐
│ │ │ │ │ │
body center │ left │ │ wide │ │ right│
└──x───┘ │ │ └───x──┘
x └─────x────┘ x
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x
0 0.5m 1.0m
2000 ORB feature points in each image, running on i7-9700 with single thread.
RPE w.r.t. translation part (m)
for delta = 1 (frames) using consecutive pairs
(with SE(3) Umeyama alignment)
max 0.266661
mean 0.064595
median 0.053899
min 0.004208
rmse 0.078455
sse 6.179843
std 0.044528
APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with SE(3) Umeyama alignment)
max 0.823292
mean 0.408878
median 0.383366
min 0.080387
rmse 0.430832
sse 186.544597
std 0.135776