!NEW! PanCake: this is an open-source text-based easy to use tasks manager (like a TODO) which can be used in the terminal. It works with simple commands, like new
, remove
, tasks
... It has a trash system, a good help command and an installation file (install.sh), which setup the tool for you! The version 1.1 is out, try it here: https://github.com/TRWither/pancake.
Hope you will enjoy!
Fox Fox is a minimalist programming language that is executable only via the command-line. It has 3 functionnalities: basic math operations, text manipulation, file manipulation, and more than 15 commands. Link: https://github.com/TRWither/Fox
Glitch: Glitch is a CLI text editor wrote in Python. It allows you to manage and edit your files. For example, you can make and remove files, change the perimissions of a file... The file edition is a bit hard because you can edit a file on a one-line input and you must rewrite the entire content of the file.
WLine: WLine is a CLI web browser wrote in Python. It extracts the HTML content of the web pages you want to visit and print them. There are also some useful commands: a help command, a history command...
Debin: Debin is a very little CLI tool I made for fun. It is used to convert decimal numbers into binary. That's all.
What The Code:
What The Code is an exotic programming language wrote in Python (with PLY). I made it just to break
your brain because this is a NONSENSE programming langugae. For example ? The end of a statement is
and you must use the operator yay
to make a division.
-- Python and C are the best programming languages