A curated list of awesome VHDL IP cores, frameworks, libraries, software and related resources.
Table of content:
- Libraries
- IP Cores
- Frameworks
- Verification Models
- Tools
- Services
- Resources
- Other Awesome Lists
- Contributing
Libraries containing multiple IP cores.
- The PoC-Library - A library of free, open-source and platform independent IP cores.
Collections containing multiple IP cores.
Single IP cores.
Frameworks for Verification.
Single verification models.
Verification Model for Memories
Verification Model for Interfaces.
- GHDL - A free and open source VHDL simulator supporting VHDL-87/93/2002/2008.
List of lists.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.
I will keep some pull requests open if I'm not sure whether those libraries are awesome, you could vote for them by adding đź‘Ť to them. Pull requests will be merged when their votes reach 10.
Creative Commons - CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
If you have any question about this opinionated list, do not hesitate to contact me @PaebbelsLemmi on Twitter or open an issue on GitHub.