I wanna surf sea of the best code in the world. Join me or leave me. Also remember, no system is perfect and no system is perfectly safe. Do you think that you can't be better? Do you think that you've reached your best? Believe me, there is always something to improve...
- π₯ Owner of Trenend.eu Network (www.trenend.eu)
- π₯ Former owner of BattleLand.cz, Elementix.cz, OverShot.cz
- π Freelancer
- π Daydreamer
- π Code-lover since *A long time ago :D*
- π Experience: ~7 years of backend development
- π Web: https://zortik.vercel.app
- Player Housing (Cross-server system, Inspired from Hypixel.net, 2020)
- Player Servers (Cross-server system, Players can create their own servers connected to large-scale Minecraft network, 2018)
- Resolver Framework (Java Framework, Inspired from Spring Framework, used for manipulating Minecraft servers and services, 2021)
- AdvancedSQLClient (Fast and extensible Java SQL library & ORM, 2022)
- Node Server Manager (NSM) (Fast services management engine based on Docker, 2024)
- Locus Keeper (System, Used for dynamic management and generation of Minecraft servers within network, 2021)
- GUIfy/Containr (Library, Used for creating in-game Minecraft GUIs, Big inspiration from Bootstrap Framework model, 2022)
- Network Duels (Cross-server system, 2019)
- Trenend Minigames (Pack of systems and libraries, Used on Trenend.eu minigames portal, 2020)
- Trenend The Pit (Single-server system, Minigame I've create with Speedy11CZ for Trenend.eu Network, 2020)
- And other smaller projects and commissions - SkyBlock Core, GetDown, SkyWars & others