Add workflow file for publishing releases to immutable action package
Add workflow file for publishing releases to immutable action package
Update @actions/artifact version, bump dependencies
Update @actions/artifact version, bump dependencies
Merge branch 'main' into eggyhead/use-artifact-v2.1.6
Merge branch 'main' into eggyhead/use-artifact-v2.1.6
updating license
updating license
updating artifact package v2.1.6
updating artifact package v2.1.6
package lock update
package lock update
updating package version
updating package version
updating core dependency
updating core dependency
updating core license
updating core license
updating actions dependency to v2.1.5
updating actions dependency to v2.1.5
Revert "deleting minimatch license dep"
Revert "deleting minimatch license dep"
Merge branch 'main' into eggyhead/update-artifact-2.1.5
Merge branch 'main' into eggyhead/update-artifact-2.1.5
Update readme with v3/v2/v1 deprecation notice
Update readme with v3/v2/v1 deprecation notice
deleting minimatch license dep
deleting minimatch license dep
updating @actions/core license
updating @actions/core license
updating artifact license
updating artifact license
updating licensed cache
updating licensed cache
updating @actions/artifact to v2.1.5
updating @actions/artifact to v2.1.5