non-standard xml C++ library
The nstdxml library has no external dependencies, it is designed to be nice and simple. If you need something really advanced this may not be for you, but if you need to read/write moderately sized XML files easily this may be for you. This library uses XMLParser library by Frank Vanden Berghen for its back-end implementation, but provides a simplified inderface using the classes xml_tree and xml_node.
A basic example:
#include <iostream>
#include "nstdxml/nstdxml.h"
void main()
nstdxml::xml_tree tree;
nstdxml::xml_node root = tree.read_xml_file("somefile.xml");
// traverse child nodes directly under root
for(nstdxml::xml_node child : node) {
std::cout << child.tag() << std::endl;
For more details, see the nstdxml_test console application.
Install Premake5 and generate build files:
$ premake5 --file=NSTDXML_premake5.lua gmake2
Building configurations...
Running action 'gmake2'...
Generated build/gmake2/Makefile...
Generated build/gmake2/nstdxml/Makefile...
Generated build/gmake2/nstdxml_test/Makefile...
Done (33ms).
The library can then be built:
$ cd build/gmake2
$ make config=release
==== Building nstdxml (release) ====
Creating obj/release
Creating bin/release
Linking nstdxml
Running postbuild commands
mkdir -p ../release
cp -f bin/release/* ../release
==== Building nstdxml_test (release) ====
Creating obj/release
Creating bin/release
Linking nstdxml_test
Running postbuild commands
mkdir -p ../release
cp -f bin/release/* ../release
The final step is to run the test application
$ cd release/
$ ./nstdxml_test
The following output is produced
xcsg version=1.0
software name=angelcad version=v1.4-00
model name=csg_wikipedia created=2020-10-11T15:50:48
cube size=45 center=true
sphere r=30
cylinder h=60 r=17 center=true
cylinder h=60 r=17 center=true
trow c0=1 c1=0 c2=0 c3=0
trow c0=0 c1=6.123233995736766e-17 c2=-1 c3=0
trow c0=0 c1=1 c2=6.123233995736766e-17 c3=0
trow c0=0 c1=0 c2=0 c3=1
cylinder h=60 r=17 center=true
trow c0=6.123233995736766e-17 c1=0 c2=1 c3=0
trow c0=0 c1=1 c2=0 c3=0
trow c0=-1 c1=0 c2=6.123233995736766e-17 c3=0
trow c0=0 c1=0 c2=0 c3=1
The xml data has 23 nodes and 49 attributes
Download Premake5 for Windows and generate build files:
C:\somedir> premake5 --file=NSTDXML_premake5.lua vs2019
Building configurations...
Running action 'vs2019'...
Generated build/vs2019/NSTDXML.sln...
Generated build/vs2019/nstdxml/nstdxml.vcxproj...
Generated build/vs2019/nstdxml/nstdxml.vcxproj.filters...
Generated build/vs2019/nstdxml_test/nstdxml_test.vcxproj...
Generated build/vs2019/nstdxml_test/nstdxml_test.vcxproj.filters...
Done (103ms).
Open the generated NSTDXML.sln file and build using Visual Studio 2019. The rest is exactly as described for Linux.