- 📜 About me: avrtt.blog/about
- 🤝 Freelance services & portfolio: avrtt.blog/freelance
- 🤔 Main areas: deep learning, ML algorithms, statistics, data analysis and visualization
- 🤓 Secondary interests: frontend, Python apps and prompt engineering
- 🔎 Currently developing skills towards AI engineering
- 🤫 Session: 05a7b2f8134fc6915ded9df78f9c834a33a9157ce43d8ec40a195db8e3f834f35f
- 🔑 PGP key | 15C4 A679 94B2 DD2E 8A41 4D5D 26F2 1D0A D318 41E1
- 🌐 [m]: @avrtt:digitalprivacy.diy, !IkPReSNEepRWuitAYY:matrix.org
- 💬 Telegram: @averett (personal), @avheuristics (blog)

fork the world
Chaotic wizard
- Right here
- avrtt.github.io/research
- in/avrtt
- @avheuristics
- avrttv
- vladaverett