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CAP plugin for SAP Document Management Service

The dependency is a CAP Java plugin that provides an easy CAP-level integration with SAP Document Management Service. This package supports handling of attachments(documents) by using an aspect Attachments in SAP Document Management Service.
This plugin can be consumed by the CAP application deployed on BTP to store their documents in the form of attachments in Document Management Repository.

Key features

  • Create attachment : Provides the capability to upload new attachments.
  • Read attachment : Provides the capability to preview attachments.
  • Delete attachment : Provides the capability to remove attachments.
  • Rename attachment : Provides the capability to rename attachments.
  • Virus scanning : Provides the capability to support virus scan for virus scan enabled repositories.
  • Draft functionality : Provides the capability of working with draft attachments.
  • Display attachments specific to repository: Lists attachments contained in the repository that is configured with the CAP application.

Table of Contents


  • Java 17 or higher
  • MTAR builder (npm install -g mbt)
  • Cloud Foundry CLI, Install cf-cli and run command cf install-plugin multiapps
  • UI5 version 1.131.0 or higher


The behaviour of clicking attachment and previewing it varies based on the version of cds-services used by the CAP application.

  • For cds-services version >= 3.4.0, clicking on attachment will

    • open the file in new browser tab, if browser supports the file type.
    • download the file to the computer, if browser does not support the file type.
  • For cds-services version < 3.4.0, clicking on attachment will download the file to the computer

A reference to adding this can be found here


In this guide, we use the Bookshop sample app in the deploy branch of this repository, to integrate SDM CAP plugin. Follow the steps in this section for a quick way to deploy and test the plugin without needing to create your own custom CAP application.

Using the released version

If you want to use the version of SDM CAP plugin released on the central maven repository follow the below steps:

  1. Remove the sdm and sdm-root folders from your local .m2 repository. This ensures that the CAP application uses the plugin version from the central Maven repository, as the local .m2 repository is prioritized during the build process.

  2. Clone the sdm repository:

   git clone
  1. Checkout to the branch deploy:
   git checkout deploy
  1. Navigate to the demoapp folder:
   cd cap-notebook/demoapp
  1. Configure the REPOSITORY_ID with the repository you want to use for deploying the application. Set the SDM instance name to match the SAP Document Management integration option instance you created in BTP and update this in the mta.yaml file under the srv module and the resources section values in the mta.yaml.

  2. Build the application:

   mbt build

Now the application will pick the released version of the plugin from the central maven repository as the dependency is added in the pom.xml

  1. Log in to Cloud Foundry space:
   cf login -a <CF-API> -o <ORG-NAME> -s <SPACE-NAME>
  1. Deploy the application:
   cf deploy mta_archives/*.mtar

Using the development version

To use a development version of the SDM CAP plugin, follow these steps. This is useful if you want to test changes made in a separate branch of this github repository or use a version not yet released on the central Maven repository.

  1. Clone the sdm repository:
   git clone
  1. Install the plugin in the root folder after switiching to the branch you want to use:
   mvn clean install

The plugin is now added to your local .m2 repository, giving it priority over the version available in the central Maven repository during the application build.

  1. Checkout to the branch deploy:
   git checkout deploy
  1. Navigate to the demoapp folder:
   cd cap-notebook/demoapp
  1. Configure the REPOSITORY_ID with the repository you want to use for deploying the application. Set the SDM instance name to match the SAP Document Management integration option instance you created in BTP and update this in the mta.yaml file under the srv module and the resources section values in the mta.yaml.

  2. Build the application:

   mbt build
  1. Log in to Cloud Foundry space:
   cf login -a <CF-API> -o <ORG-NAME> -s <SPACE-NAME>
  1. Deploy the application:
   cf deploy mta_archives/*.mtar

Use dependency

Follow these steps if you want to integrate the SDM CAP Plugin with your own CAP application.

  1. Add the following dependency in pom.xml in the srv folder


    To be able to also use the cds models defined in this plugin the cds-maven-plugin needs to be used with the resolve goal to make the cds models available in the project:


    If the cds models needs to be used in the db folder the cds-maven-plugin needs to be included also in the db folder of the project. This means the db folder needs to have a pom.xml with the cds-maven-plugin included and the cds-maven-plugin needs to be run.

    If the cds-maven-plugin is used correctly and executed the following lines should be visible in the build log:

    [INFO] --- cds:3.4.1:resolve (cds.resolve) @ your-project ---
    [INFO] CdsResolveMojo: Extracting models from<latest-version>:compile (<project-folder>)
    [INFO] CdsResolveMojo: Extracting models from (<project-folder>)

    After that the models can be used.

  2. To use sdm plugin in your CAP application, create an element with an Attachments type. Following the best practice of separation of concerns, create a separate file srv/attachment-extension.cds and extend your entity with attachments. Refer the following example from a sample Bookshop app:

    using {my.bookshop.Books } from '../db/books';
    using {sap.attachments.Attachments} from``;
    extend entity Books with {
       attachments : Composition of many Attachments;
  3. Create a SAP Document Management Integration Option Service instance and key. Bind your CAP application to this SDM instance. Add the details of this instance to the resources section in the mta.yaml of your CAP application. Refer the following example from a sample Bookshop app.

       - name: bookshop-srv
       type: java
       path: srv
          - name: sdm-di-instance
       - name: sdm-di-instance
       type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
          service: sdm
          service-plan: standard
  4. Using the created SDM instance's credentials from key onboard a repository. In mta.yaml, under properties of the srv module add the repository id. Refer the following example from a sample Bookshop app. Currently only non versioned repositories are supported.

      - name: bookshop-srv
      type: java
      path: srv
            REPOSITORY_ID: <REPO ID>
         - name: sdm-di-instance
  5. To allow the application to upload large files, add the connection and request timeouts in mta.yaml under properties of srv module. Refer the following example from a sample Bookshop app.

       - name: bookshop-srv
       type: java
       path: srv
             REPOSITORY_ID: <REPO ID>
             INCOMING_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: 900000
             timeout: 900000
  6. Add the following facet in fiori-service.cds in the app folder. Refer the following example from a sample Bookshop app.

          $Type : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
          ID     : 'AttachmentsFacet',
          Label : '{i18n>attachments}',
          Target: 'attachments/@UI.LineItem'

Deploying and testing the application

  1. Log in to Cloud Foundry space:

    cf login -a <CF-API> -o <ORG-NAME> -s <SPACE-NAME>
  2. Build the project by running following command from root folder of your CAP application

    mbt build

    Above step will generate .mtar file inside mta_archives folder.

  3. Deploy the application

    cf deploy mta_archives/*.mtar
  4. Go to your BTP subaccount and launch your application.

  5. The Attachments type has generated an out-of-the-box Attachments table (see highlighted box) at the bottom of the Object page:

    Attachments Table
  6. Upload a file by going into Edit mode by using the Upload button on the Attachments table. The file is then stored in SAP Document Management Integration Option. We demonstrate this by uploading a TXT file:

    Upload an attachment
  7. Open a file by clicking on the attachment. We demonstrate this by opening the previously uploaded TXT file:

    Delete an attachment
  8. Rename a file by going into Edit mode and setting a new name for the file in the filename field. Then click the Save button to have that file renamed in SAP Document Management Integration Option. We demonstrate this by renaming the previously uploaded TXT file:

    Delete an attachment
  9. Delete a file by going into Edit mode and selecting the file(s) and by using the Delete button on the Attachments table. Then click the Save button to have that file deleted from the resource (SAP Document Management Integration Option). We demonstrate this by deleting the previously uploaded TXT file:

    Delete an attachment

Support for Multitenancy

  • This plugin facilitates the onboarding of repositories in a multitenant environment by leveraging the externalId field in SAP Document Management.
  • Application developers can utilize the onboarding API as shown below when developing their CAP (Cloud Application Programming) SaaS applications.
@After(event = DeploymentService.EVENT_SUBSCRIBE)
public void onSubscribe(SubscribeEventContext context) {
final SaasRegistrySubscriptionOptions options = Struct
final String subdomain = options.getSubscribedSubdomain();
SDMAdminService sdmAdminService =  new SDMAdminServiceImpl();

Repository repository = new Repository();
//provide the repository details
repository.setDescription("Onboarding Repo Demo");
repository.setDisplayName(" Test Onboarding repo");
String response = sdmAdminService.onboardRepository(repository);
  • The necessary fields for the Repository when onboarding can be found in the documentation.
  • The REPOSITORY_ID from the Multi-Target Application (MTA should be a readable string instead of a GUID. This identifier is used by the onboarding API to associate a repository with the subscribed tenant. When the application is deployed as a SaaS application using the code above, tenants automatically onboard a repository upon subscription.
  • When the application is deployed as a SaaS application with above code, tenants on subscribing the SaaS application gets onboarded automatically.

Support for Custom Properties

Custom properties are supported via the usage of CMIS secondary type properties. Follow the below steps to add and use custom properties.

  1. If the repository does not contain secondary types and properties, create CMIS secondary types and properties using the Create Secondary Type API. The property definition must contain the following section for the CAP plugin to process the property.

    "mcm:miscellaneous": {        
       "isPartOfTable": "true"  

    With this, the secondary type and properties definition will be as per the sample given below

       "id": "Working:DocumentInfo",
       "displayName": "Document Info",
       "baseId": "cmis:secondary",
       "parentId": "cmis:secondary",
       "propertyDefinitions": {
          "Working:DocumentInfoRecord": {
                "id": "Working:DocumentInfoRecord",
                "displayName": "Document Info Record",
                "mcm:miscellaneous": {     <-- Required section in the property definition
                   "isPartOfTable": "true"
  2. Using secondary properties in CAP Application.

    • Extend the Attachments aspect with the secondary properties in the previously created attachment-extension.cds file.
    • Annotate the secondary properties with @SDM.Attachments.AdditionalProperty.
    • If the property id contains a :, replace it with a triple underscore ___.

    Refer the following example from a sample Bookshop app:

    extend Attachments with {
       Working___DocumentInfoRecord : String @SDM.Attachments.AdditionalProperty @(title: '{i18n>property1}');


    SDM supports secondary properties with data types String, Boolean, Decimal, Integer and DateTime.

Known Restrictions

  • Repository : This plugin does not support the use of versioned repositories.
  • File size : Attachments are limited to a maximum size of 700 MB. If the repository is onboarded with virus scan enabled for all files, attachments are limited to a maximum size of 400 MB.
  • Datatypes for custom properties : Custom properties are supported for the following data types String, Boolean, Decimal, Integer and DateTime.

Support, Feedback, Contributing

This project is open to feature requests/suggestions, bug reports etc. via GitHub issues. Contribution and feedback are encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines.

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We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.


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