strives to make your diffs human readable instead of machine readable. This helps improve code quality and helps you spot defects faster.
Vanilla git diff
vs git
and diff-so-fancy
Simply copy the diff-so-fancy
script from the latest release into your $PATH
and you're done. Alternately to test development features you can clone this repo and then put the diff-so-fancy
script (symlink will work) into your $PATH
. The lib/
directory will need to be kept relative to the core script.
If you are using a ZSH framework like zgenom or oh-my-zsh, refer to Zsh plugin support for diff-so-fancy for detailed installation instructions.
is also available from the NPM registry, brew, as a package on Nix, Fedora, in the Arch extra repo, and as ppa:aos for Debian/Ubuntu Linux.
Issues relating to packaging ('installation does not work', 'version is out of date', etc.) should be directed to those packages' own repositories/issue trackers where applicable. Issues relating to packaging ("installation does not work", "version is out of date", etc.) should be directed to those packages' repositories/issue trackers where applicable.
Note: Windows users may need to install MinGW or the Windows subsystem for Linux.
Configure git to use diff-so-fancy
for all diff output:
git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RF"
git config --global interactive.diffFilter "diff-so-fancy --patch"
The default Git colors are not optimal. The colors used for the screenshot above were:
git config --global color.ui true
git config --global color.diff-highlight.oldNormal "red bold"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.oldHighlight "red bold 52"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.newNormal "green bold"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.newHighlight "green bold 22"
git config --global color.diff.meta "11"
git config --global color.diff.frag "magenta bold"
git config --global color.diff.func "146 bold"
git config --global color.diff.commit "yellow bold"
git config --global color.diff.old "red bold"
git config --global color.diff.new "green bold"
git config --global color.diff.whitespace "red reverse"
Use -u
with diff
for unified output, and pipe the output to diff-so-fancy
diff -u file_a file_b | diff-so-fancy
It also supports the recursive mode of diff with -r
or --recursive
as first argument
diff -r -u folder_a folder_b | diff-so-fancy
diff --recursive -u folder_a folder_b | diff-so-fancy
Should the first block of an empty line be colored. (Default: true)
git config --bool --global diff-so-fancy.markEmptyLines false
Simplify git header chunks to a more human readable format. (Default: true)
git config --bool --global diff-so-fancy.changeHunkIndicators false
Should the pesky +
or -
at line-start be removed. (Default: true)
git config --bool --global diff-so-fancy.stripLeadingSymbols false
By default, the separator for the file header uses Unicode line-drawing characters.
If this is causing output errors on your terminal, set this to false
to use
ASCII characters instead. (Default: true)
git config --bool --global diff-so-fancy.useUnicodeRuler false
By default, the separator for the file header spans the full width of the terminal. Use this setting to set the width of the file header manually.
git config --global diff-so-fancy.rulerWidth 80
By default, show both top & bottom horizontal ruler.
git config --bool --global diff-so-fancy.hideTopRuler false
git config --bool --global diff-so-fancy.hideBottomRuler false
# __OR__ use the command line options to hide the ruler
diff-so-fancy -U # hide top ruler, -U is short for --no-thr
diff-so-fancy -D # hide bottom ruler, -D is short for --no-bhr
# __OR__ use the command line options to show the ruler
diff-so-fancy -u # show top ruler, -u is short for --show-thr
diff-so-fancy -d # show bottom ruler, -d is short for --show-bhr
NOTE the priority (show)-u/-d
> (hide)-U/-D
> hideTopRuler/hideBottomRuler
- if default config to show, it is easy to hide it use cmd args of
- if default config to hide, it is easy to show it use cmd args of
By default, if a ruler is to hide, then it will be replaced by an newline.
- A: if a ruler is going to hide, then make it replaced by an newline
- This is controled by
, the default is ON
- This is controled by
- B: if a ruler is to be showing, then make it replaced by an newline
- This is controled by
, the default is OFF
- This is controled by
# -X tells to replace both showing ruler with newline
diff-so-fancy -X ### both rulers are newline ###
# -X make showing bottom newline, -U make hidding top newline
diff-so-fancy -X -U ### both rulers are newline ###
# -X make showing top newline, -U make hidding bottom newline
diff-so-fancy -X -D ### both rulers are newline ###
# -X make showing bottom newline, -U -x make top completely hidding
diff-so-fancy -X -U -x # no top ruler, bottom ruler newline
diff-so-fancy -x -U # no top ruler, bottom ruler dash
# -X make showing top newline, -D -x make bottom completely hidding
diff-so-fancy -X -D -x # no bottom ruler, top ruler newline
diff-so-fancy -x -D # no bottom ruler, top ruler dash
diff-so-fancy -x -U -D # completely hide both ruler at all
By default, the section char is set to unicode wide char ◯
, If this is causing
output errors on your terminal, then you can reset it to other char or make it
completely none.
git config --global diff-so-fancy.sectionChar "" # set to none
git config --global diff-so-fancy.sectionChar "DIFF" # set to DIFF
# __OR__ use the command line options
diff-so-fancy --use-sc "DIFF" # set to any chars you like
diff-so-fancy -N # none, -N is short for --no-section-char
Person | Role |
@scottchiefbaker | Project lead |
@OJFord | Bug triage |
@GenieTim | Travis OSX fixes |
@AOS | Debian packager |
@Stevemao/@Paul Irish | NPM release team |
Pull requests are quite welcome, and should target the next
branch. We are also looking for any feedback or ideas on how to make diff-so-fancy
even fancier.
- Delta
- Lazygit with diff-so-fancy integration